Winter Thaw: Ragnarök

Discussion in 'Events FAQ’s' started by Rymar, Jan 8, 2025.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Winter Thaw: Ragnarök

    The event starts at
    Thursday, 9th January at 12 noon and ends Tuesday, 21st January at 12 noon.

    All times are local server times.

    The Winter Thaw event features the following:

    • Event Ships/Subs and Admirals
    • 1 group map: Viking's Honor
    • 2 event rankings
    • Event chests
    • Shipwrecks
    • Event quests (Nautica, Atlantis)
    Time and Date

    The event has two phases, the second phase (increased NPC spawn) starts at 12 noon on 15th January.

    The Ice ammunition will melt sometime after the event ends, so use it quick!

    All times are local server times.
    General Info

    The Winter Thaw event is a spawn event where you can hunt 4 event ships, “Grumpy Boar”, “Elegant Elk”, “Black Ram” and “Midgard Wyrm” in maps 5 to 60.

    “Elegant Elk” spawns 4 “Black Ram” on death.

    “Midgard Wyrm” is an admiral event ship which spawns after a certain number of “Grumpy Boar”, “Elegant Elk” and “Black Ram” have been sunk.

    All event ships must be shot with Ice ammunition.
    Viking's Honor - Group Map

    Once you have collected enough ancient emblems you are able to access the “Viking's Honor” from the Safe Haven.

    After you choose the role you want to play (“Damage Dealer”, “Healer” and Tank”) and the team is full you are teleported to the “Viking's Honor” map where you face the boss “Aegir's Wrath”.

    Your goal is to kill “Aegir's Wrath”. “Aegir's Wrath” spawns 8 towers “Ran's Will” (max. 2 at the same time) which spawn “Kolgas”.

    “Ran's Wills” de-spawn after they have spawned a certain amount of “Kolgas”.

    There is a damage zone around “Aegir's Wrath” which grows over the time.

    The damage zone reduces when one “Ran's Will” de-spawns. When a “Ran's Will” is destroyed the damage zone is reset and another zone is in the place of the destroyed “Ran's Will” which applies a de-buff to “Aegir's Wrath” when he is in the zone.

    This zone de-spawns as soon as another “Ran's Will” de-spawns or is destroyed.

    When all “Ran's Will” are de-spawned or destroyed there is no other ability to reduce the damage zone.

    When Aegir's Wrath is dead, the map is finished and you are teleported back to normal map again.
    • Grumpy Boar:
      • Depending on how much damage is inflicted, you are rewarded with EXP, Burning Ice ammunition and Pearls, Crowns or Yulong Coins.
      • The player who does the last shot has a chance to get one event key.
    • Elegant Elk:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns or Yulong Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage has a chance to receive Ancient Emblems.
    • Black Ram:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns or Yulong Coins.
    • Midgard Wyrm:
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict (at least 3%), you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns, Orichalkum, Event Points or Yulong Coins.
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with Ansuz Rune.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage, at least 3%, receives Orichalkum or Jormunfar Ship Design
    • Krakaton - (Phase 2 – Alantis)
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns, Orichalkum, Safanad or Yulong Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage receives Orichalkum or Pearls.
      • The player who inflicts the last shot receives Orichalkum or SubMoray Design
    • Progeny Alpha (Phase 2 – Alantis)
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns, Orichalkum, Safanad or Yulong Coins.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage receives Pearls.
      • The player who inflicts the last shot receives Inferno Torpedo, Toxic Torpedo, Blood of Inya, Triton’s Crown, Homing Mine, Dragonfire level 2 or Whirlpool.
    • Spirit of the Wind
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict (at least 2%), you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns, Yulong Coin or Orichalkum.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage, receives Claymore, Tempest I, Hydrax I, Sword I, Orichalkum or Jormunfar Ship Design
      • The player who inflicts the last shot has a chance to receive one Event Key.
    • Ghost of the Flame
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict (at least 2%), you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns, Yulong Coin or Orichalkum.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage, receives Claymore, Tempest I, Hydrax I, Sword I, Orichalkum or Jormunfar Ship Design
      • The player who inflicts the last shot has a chance to receive one Event Key.
    • Spirit of the Earth
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict (at least 2%), you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns, Yulong Coin or Orichalkum.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage, receives Claymore, Tempest I, Hydrax I, Sword I, Orichalkum or Jormunfar Ship Design
      • The player who inflicts the last shot has a chance to receive one Event Key.
    • Phantom of the Deep
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict (at least 2%), you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns, Yulong Coin or Orichalkum.
      • The player who inflicts the most damage, receives Claymore, Tempest I, Hydrax I, Sword I, Orichalkum or Jormunfar Ship Design
      • The player who inflicts the last shot has a chance to receive one Event Key.
    • Undersea Interloper
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict (at least 2%), you are rewarded with EXP, Pearls, Crowns, Yulong Coin, Safanad, Orichalkum, Event Points, Soul Eater Torpedoes, Incineration Burn Torpedo, White Torpedo, Toxic Torpedo, Ancient Emblem or Magic Emblem.
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you will get Thurisaz Rune
      • The player who inflicts the most damage has a chance to receive Bloodfyre Ammunitions, Metal Storm Torpedo, Hurricane Torpedo, Tempest II, Hydrax II, Sword II or SubMoray Design
      • The player who inflicts the last shot has a chance to receive one Event Key.
    • Green Saint:
      • Depending on how much damage is inflicted, you are rewarded with EXP, Ice Ammunition, Icy Grasp Torpedo, Pearls, Crowns, Safanad, Orichalkum, Yulong Coins, Super Armor Plates or Lionsfire.
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, at least 5%, you have a chance to receive Christmas Green Design
      • The player who inflicts the last shot will get Christmas Green Design, Rift Emblem, Rift Cannon or Simi Amulet.
      • 2 players who will inflict at least 2% damage will have a chance to get Volatile Aura of Protection or Christmas Green Design
    • Ice Pearl – Phase 2:
      • Depending on how much damage is inflicted, you are rewarded with EXP, Ice Ammunition, Icy Grasp Torpedo, Pearls, Crowns, Safanad, Orichalkum, Yulong Coins, Super Armor Plates or Lionsfire.
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, at least 5%, you have a chance to receive Christmas White Design
      • The player who inflicts the last shot will get Christmas White Design, Rift Emblem, Rift Cannon or Simi Amulet.
      • 2 players who will inflict at least 2% damage will have a chance to get Volatile Aura of Protection or Christmas White Design
    Nautica Ice Floe

    The Shipwreck must be shot with harpoons. Items such as Burning Ice Ammo, Super Armor Plate, Dragon Powder, Damask Harpoon, Crystals, Overlord lv 5, Bastion lv 4, Dragonfire lv 2 and many other useful items.
    Atlantis Ice Floe

    The Shipwreck must be shot with harpoons. Items such as Icy Grasp Torpedo, Super Armor Plate, Dragon Powder, Damask Harpoon, Uncommon Tools, Dragonfire lv 2, Mako/Aramax/Mombu level 2 Blueprint and many other useful items.
    Event Treasure Chests

    In the Event Treasure Chests, you find many useful items such as Burning Ice Ammo, Dragonfire level 2, Tritons Crowns, Unstoppable, Bloodlust, Blood of Inya, Bastion lvl 6, Mojo and many other useful items.

    Atlantis Treasure Chests

    In the Atlantis Treasure Chests, you find many useful items such as Icy Grasp Torpedo, Simbi/Taureau Amulets, Tritons Crowns, Unstoppable, Bloodlust, Super Armor Plates, Rare Tools, Sub Technician/Engineer/Cook/ Torpedo Operator lv 2, Torpedo Operator, Cook, Mojo and many other useful items.

    Ice Ammunition and Icy Grasp Torpedoes cause extra damage against Event Ships and Subs.
    • Phase 1
      • Nautica:
        • There are 13 quests (10 normal and 3 daily)
      • Atlantis:
        • There are 3 normal quests.
    • Phase2
      • Nautica:
        • There are 9 quests (6 normal and 3 daily)
    The daily quests are reset each day at 12 noon (local server time).

    Ormfar (Ranking Reward)


    Seraphic Rose Quartz: 16.5% Hit Probability
    Heavenly Garnet: 32% Harpoon Damage
    Seraphic Sapphire: 165.000 Voodoo Points
    Heavenly Aquamarine: 32% Damage Prevention

    Jormunfar Ship Design (NPC Loot)


    Seraphic Rose Quartz: 16.5% Hit Probability
    Heavenly Ruby: 32% Damage
    Seraphic Lapislazuli: 165.000 Hit Points
    Heavenly Azurite: -16% HP Repair Duration, 64% HP Repair Value

    SubMoray Sub Design (NPC Loot)


    Zanine Flawless: 25% Critical Damage
    Bartine Dazzling: 12% Hit Probability
    Prylite Dazzling: 120.000 Hitpoints, 12% Blue Breach resistance, 12% Green Breach resistance
    Murite Flawless: -12.5% HP Repair Duration, +50% HP Repair Value

    Christmas Green / Christmas White (NPC loot)

    Christmas Green.png Christmas White.png

    Post Event Compensation

    The event and Atlantis keys are exchanged for normal and Atlantis chest keys.

    Ancient emblems, Icy Grasp ammunition, Event points, Thurisaz Rune, Uruz Rune, Ansuz Rune, Broken Gjallharon, Holy Gjallahorn, Shell of Whispers, Haldor's Hammer and Treasure Map will be exchanged for Gold.