Wrath of Calypso 2017

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Seren, Feb 20, 2017.

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  1. flafighter

    flafighter Regular

    last year
    I collected cargoes from 17/1, 18/1 as well as 21 maps shortly after restart and completed the 5 cargo quest.
  2. LogoRhea

    LogoRhea Someday Author

    Hello all players, I have a question: Seafight has released an item called "Heart Mender Package" in the payment section, but there is no information about what this package actually contains: anyone knows what this package contains?

    To Seafight devs: do you really expect that ppl will buy this package without disclosing its contents?
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Heart Mender Package
    • 500,000 Heartbreaker Ammo
    • 25 Blood of the Inya
    • 50 Simbi Amulets
    • 50 Tritons Crown
    • 50 Lost Love
    LogoRhea likes this.
  4. minigravey

    minigravey Advanced

    the calypso npc attack pattern is non-existent due to the amount of players. i always thought it was kinda neat.but i can not sit in red circle with my lvl 4 ship and not worry. you could have left sirens on water lowered there rewards a bit which intern would have helped thin out the heard shooting calypsos so the its attack is working more as it used to. or figure a new attack method. :eek:o_O:rolleyes:;):D

  5. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Why has phase 2 started already? The FAQ says it starts on Feb 28 and its still the 27th.
  6. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Taken from the Patchday Notes:
    • Changed runtime of first phase to 5 days – ends 26.02., 12:00 (LST)

    Found Here

    Bawdyn likes this.
  7. JuanLuis2013

    JuanLuis2013 Forum Greenhorn

    you've got to put potenciation for doing calypso
  8. ejder123123

    ejder123123 Someday Author

    my quest was canceled 2 times once when it switched from siren to calypso and last night i colected 4/10 loged out and came back on today just to find i had to do the quest again from 0....
  9. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Pro tip: turn boost on if you plan to shoot Calypso.
  10. LogoRhea

    LogoRhea Someday Author

    What exactly is "boost"? Another unknown special feature of Seafight?
  11. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Boost is a option which can be found in the Settings.

    What does Boost do?
    Boost gets rid of all the unnecessary visuals on your screen, i.e. removes other players shots and damage values (unless they are shooting you).

    This in turn reduces the amount of elements on your screen, which reduces lag.

  12. Mav®o-GR

    Mav®o-GR Active Author

    perls removed from telemaxos or is just me no lucky?
  13. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Just unlucky...

    2017-03-01 18:12:11 You received 92473 x Pearls.
    2017-03-01 18:12:11 You sank Telemachos's ship.
  14. Mav®o-GR

    Mav®o-GR Active Author

  15. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    Unable to open any quests today, anyone else with this problem?
  16. sponks

    sponks Regular

    Server is just completely dead atm... Sad was a decent ish event ruined by more and more lag
  17. kyloe

    kyloe Forum Master

    game is barely playable at the moment.
  18. ejder123123

    ejder123123 Someday Author

    what Radiant souls and Cursed souls are going to be change to after the event if we have few left on our ship without spend?
  19. sponks

    sponks Regular

    One of the quests is to get one last shot at a calypso, really? Couldn't you tell at the start that it is impossible to reach for the last reward from the whole quest chain? How do you expect someone to complete this with like 150 boats per calypso?
  20. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Yes, it's comparable to an invite to a free family dinner, on the condition that you have both your elderly Parents accompany you.... who must both be over 100 years old and still married. :) lol.

    Talk about unrealistic targets on what is supposed to be an enjoyable game, not an endurance task.o_O ........Ridiculous!
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