Feedback Wrath of Calypso!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Feb 20, 2024.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Wrath of Calypso!

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on the Wrath of Calypso! event.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Board Analyst

    A zone of Lost Love ,is this a ring coloured pink? Cause I saw that yesterday on water...
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy .Kenze.!

    Yes, on every Calypso event since its introduction Penelope spawned a small zone (lost love) when defeated.

  4. wil32

    wil32 Junior Expert

    Too late to change blueprints lv1 and lv2 to lv2 and lv3 instead...?
    It's time to update the rewards in atlantis, according to the new maps coming this year.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  5. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Board Analyst

    I ask again.. is this ring pink/purple?
    The*Defiant likes this.
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    The event did not start yet, so how are we supposed to know if the area effect dropped by Penelope is the same as lost love? :D

    And yes... Lost Love effect is now pink ->

  7. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Board Analyst

    So you do know.Funny I saw that ring yesterday at a player.How is this possible? ;)
  8. ♥веllαđσηе♥.

    ♥веllαđσηе♥. Forum Apprentice

    Hum nearly no pearls in the event NPC ... Why ?
  9. ·єviłωαყѕ·

    ·єviłωαყѕ· Board Analyst

    it's the same ring as lost love. Most players use them on high HP npc's.
  10. zwaardvis

    zwaardvis Forum Apprentice

    the npc don't give pearls
  11. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy .Kenze.!

    It was stated in the patchday notes that Lost Love is now pink.

    Penelope Lost Love area effect is RED (now since event is on and it was checked).

    Ahoy ♥веllαđσηе♥.! Ahoy zwaardvis!

    Complete event quests to gather Event Points.

    No event points = no rewards.

  12. zwaardvis

    zwaardvis Forum Apprentice

    can only do 11 missions
  13. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy zwaardvis!

    That's normal, even just started and there are some daily quests.

  14. БОТЕВЪ11

    БОТЕВЪ11 Junior Expert

    Rebooted three times in a few hours! We will see by the end of the event how many they will become!
  15. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Rymar: I was online when the Event started on my server (the former U.S. East). I haven't done any quests yet, but saw the Event subs in Atlantis and started shooting them. I did get Event Points (see below), but I didn't think I was supposed to get them before at least one quest had been completed. Am I mistaken?

    2024-02-21 12:00:45 You sank Aergia's ship.
    2024-02-21 12:00:45 You received 2609 EXP (experience points).
    2024-02-21 12:00:45 You received 50 x Event points.
    2024-02-21 12:00:45 You received 8 x Cursed souls.
    2024-02-21 12:00:40 You received 3581 EXP (experience points).
    2024-02-21 12:00:40 You received 8 x Radiant souls.
    2024-02-21 12:00:40 You received 50 x Event points.
    2024-02-21 12:00:40 You sank Hypnos's ship.
    2024-02-21 12:00:33 You received 8 x Cursed souls.
    2024-02-21 12:00:33 You sank Aergia's ship.

    These are good points! Rymar - Is this player correct in their statement that Atlantis will be getting new maps this year?
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 21, 2024
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy The*Defiant!

    Event Points - intended, as far as I know.

    No, do not believe what players say, always keep an eye on Official Announcements.

    We constantly forward all feedback, however that do not guarantee immediate changes within the game.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  17. gure55

    gure55 Forum Apprentice

    Hi Rymar I can't find any daily quests on mine maps today - why ?? All are grey ...not yellow ?
  18. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy gure55!

    This issue has been forwarded, however we do not have any further information to share.

  19. pukutis_

    pukutis_ Forum Apprentice

    Why we are not getting pearl, safand only exp and event points from spawn of calypso when in anouncment it sad that we should get. and i as the one done most damage on it.
  20. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy pukutis_!

    Unfortunately we do not have any further information on that part.

    ∂αηү likes this.
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