Yesterdays aruba glitch

Discussion in 'Help' started by xXxRedLiteMassxXx, Oct 1, 2014.

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  1. There was a glitch yesterday in the aruba, people were bassicly making double-triple there pearls, because they were throwing massive amounts of pearls in the culdron and getting scroll peices and p ammo only...This is extremely unfair, so will these scrolls be taken? and pearls be given back? Or is it okay for some people to use a glitch to an advantage and others not?
  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    The Cauldron of Aruba bug was fixed pretty quickly yesterday. However, we are aware that many players were able to gain a lot of Bonus Maps before it was fixed and we are still undecided on what to do with the excess bonus maps gained. At the moment we won’t do anything whilst we investigate the “damage” done by checking the statistics of how many maps these players now have. However, we do not see this as an exploit as it was clearly stated in the game that the chance of getting a map piece was “52%” – therefore, it was our error and not a case of players exploiting.

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