Official Annoucements

Discussion in 'Help' started by SaTaN, Mar 26, 2014.

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  1. SaTaN

    SaTaN Someday Author

    Official Announcements -> Current Server Problems
    by Seren!
    I saw in that thread this:
    Therefore, next week we plan to introduce a new system for when you are sunk so that you spawn on a separate map and are given a couple of options – to either return to the main sea chart or log-out of the sea chart completely.

    My question is how exactly will that work? If you get sunked go in that new map and be able to repair there? or what? That will be very bad for the players who want to make Battle Points...Lets say you sunk a player who has a total of HP+PV 900.000...then what? wait for him to come back with 900.000 to be able to sunk him second time(You have to put him on Spy also)... so you can get you're battle points in that day? Really?? That meens 2x more Elite Ammo then in this VERY EXPENSIVE! I hope this won't happend......fighting is already too expensive anyway....I don't know how something like this will improve the bugs that are in game for more then 1 Year...Like Adobe Flah Player Crash....
    AzaZeL likes this.
  2. stactic

    stactic Forum Duke

    I do agree on this, i don't really like the idea that much.. what if you get sunk by an admiral? and then it throws you 5 maps down. or in an event like this typhoon sinks you.. won't get back in time.. kinda think its a stupid solution to an ongoing problem..
    AzaZeL likes this.
  3. AzaZeL

    AzaZeL Junior Expert

    Better fix first the Adobe Flash Player Crash and after add some more ''AWESOME'' updates to destory the game completly. This game is way to expensive in this momment if you are a PVP player.
    SaTaN likes this.
  4. ..¨Zerب..

    ..¨Zerب.. Forum Apprentice

    my two cents. For what its worth, don't do it. lol
  5. MerlinsGold_1{UBA}

    MerlinsGold_1{UBA} Forum Greenhorn

    go for it .its ur game . sounds like pvp just got softer for the newer an smaller players. But we realy need more maps.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Please be advised that you will not notice any difference to the way you return to the water at this time.

    At this time you press repair or shipyard, this will just change to return to sea chart or shipyard.

    You will not notice that you are in any different map, apart from you will be unable to view the ships that are there when you are sunk. This is until you return to the sea chart.

    We will place some FAQ's regarding this matter.
  7. AzaZeL

    AzaZeL Junior Expert

    That will be great
    SaTaN likes this.
  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As the OP has been answered this post will be closed

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