Why Would Customers Stay

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by Grand-mariner™, Dec 1, 2017.

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  1. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran


    With this explanation and actions imposed on customers without due consultations and bearing in mind all the other long standing incurable problems with this game.

    More to the point, could you please give any good reasons why customers should stay loyal to this game within the coming New Year?

    Not only is the above sly undrerhand introduction of 'Cannon Damage' a means of lowering defences that we have paid good money on Gems etc for, it is another rude slap in the face to customers who constantly suffer a bot riddled and technically inferior game which sadly has a rude and ignorant so called management in control.

    So my question stands, 'What incentive is there for customers to continue to invest any time, effort or hard earned cash into this game, paricularly whilst this ungrateful management treats their customers like a complete set of mugs?

    If the so called 'Cannon damage' remains unchanged then I for one will be out of here in the New Year. Enough is more than enough now and the point of no return has now been reached. Bigpoint's loss will be my personal gain this time!

    I was about to buy the Jolly Roger package for the extra Cannons but have decided that this would be a waste of my money, so go and whistle Bigpoint.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  2. dropedship

    dropedship Someday Author

    Hi Grand I both agree and disagree with your post.

    The players should have been made aware of the change on the official forums before implementation atleast a week in advance. It was discussed on Discord, however from what I can recall this was still only the day before.

    The game needs to adapt as I'm sure you would agree however when a change implemented causes players to be missed by NPC's there is a problem. (Dont get me wrong, I'll take out a harrowstorm on my own glady, if given the chance) ;-)

    My concerns are as players we know the game is going to adapt fot the better, worse and then become the norm; the issue is we never get the full vision of an update.

    Take ribs for instance, I think they were and are a great addition, however all players are not aware they can be levelled up. (I believe the current max level coded is 5, however we can only level to 1 at the moment) With this in mind you could assume damage will continually be reviewed based on level incriments.

    As these items are currently a buyable item, bp must see why the plauers get frustrated as they buy an item which gives the player an advantage, only for it to be rebalanced at a later date. In this case within a Month. (To me the addition ribs and the MISSED sitaution should have been picked up in the QA)

    As with most updates from BP for Seafight the player at launch is only given half the information. (I do not blame the mod team here)

    Perception here appears to be the reason why the item was introduced was to generate money, which we can undeerstand if you share the full vision before implementing an item.
  3. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    I understand the common sense thinking behind players being continually 'missed' not really being acceptable, but on the other hand Bigpoint could see this coming well in advance before they placed cash sale items like Reinforced Ribs on sale. They knew full well these new Ribs that were placed on sale would soon be 'negated' by their very own sneaky & underhand tactic of adding extra Cannon Damage a short time later. This is not the reasonable or fair action that anyone would normally expect to see from any mainstream responsible games company that should respect it's loyal customers. (here lies the main problem) *Are Bigpoint now willing to refund customers they have duped?

    There was no warning or consultation about this, where players could voice their opinions or protest beforehand on the forum and as usual a significant change to the detriment of the customer has just been introduced and taken place. I would remind Bigpoint, that this act alone is an unlawful act and would entitle affected customers to a refund of any affected items that customers have purchased in good faith and who now consider that they were unfairly treated over by this newly created 'significant imbalance' against the customers.

    This sudden imposition is not the fair or appropriate way to conduct planned changes, or even good business sense as more customers will leave the game as the past demonstrates. I firmly believe this company should have consulted it's long suffering customers with their plans and given everyone the full opportunities to voice their concerns, before this change was implemented into gameplay. My gripe is as much against this company who are too ignorant and rude to even respond to their customers which is clearly evident from previous threads, so one has to ask the question are this company really worth supporting any further.

    They have invited feedback people, so let them have your opinions. Otherwise they will keep sticking another nail into the Coffin of an already dying game whenever it suits them, as is the case here.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017
  4. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    I think by now every single person can clearly see theses new changes are just to get people to pay more money for what they already have castles ribs etc ,,its called desperation to charge more money just like the bogus uk price rise ....after all consumers are not idiots like bigpoint must presume !!!

    oh I just bought keys no item`s received hey ho 48 hours ill be retrieving the cash :eek: and they expect you to pay for a sloppy service :rolleyes:

    2 hours 20 min they arrived second class post :eek:

    Posts Merged
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 2, 2017
  5. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    They have invited feedback people, so let them have your opinions. Otherwise they will keep sticking another nail into the Coffin of an already dying game whenever it suits them, as is the case here.

    Don't be scared of voicing your opinions folks. No point in moaning if you're not happy with the changes, either way....let them know. Otherwise they could alter gameplay unchallenged whenever it suits them, wiith no due regard whatsoever to their customers feelings!
  6. HMS-Valiant

    HMS-Valiant Forum Apprentice

    Given the latest changes which further overall de-valued what players have worked hard and paid for the pay for play items being offered and devaluation is accelerating. They are milking this game hard in it's final days with bare minimum investment into maintaining quality control and customer service. Look at the posts on the unreliable rewards vs treasure chests opened. Support does not compensate for keys used with no return?

    This is the Walking Dead/Zombie game of online gaming. 95% bots, players leaving, no new real players since many of those new boats are bot runners that are starting additional accounts. Players that would of had fun building up their boats and be looking to battle just farm to pass the time since playing honestly and building a boat to be competitive is not realistic and they know it. The game has turned into a private club of botters and it most likely goes high up in the company as to who is involved. The rest of us with whatever money we spent just subsidized it.

    I'd say this will be the last Winter Event for this game and it has just a few months left.
  7. Lady.Wolf

    Lady.Wolf Active Author

    Yep! I am sick of renting/leasing items! BP/SF WE work for boats be it farming, scrolls and hard earned cash!
    I think there should be an outside audit to find out what's going on..
  8. all these posts of quitting yet you still havent left and you still contribute to there fund pots try

    and it gets alot less upsetting :rolleyes:
  9. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    Will you whiners ever leave the game? I don't like the update, but I have spent no money in this game and my ship is still the strongest F2P account on my server thanks to extensive farming. If you are so upset about the game, stop spending money and be quiet :)
    Loki162 likes this.
  10. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    It isn't all about money my friend at all that is purely a secondary consideration. Otherwise, I for one along with others and all the other problems would have jacked in this game long before now. The money is not the primary complaint and does not bother me, as without bragging, I can more than comfortably and easily afford to waste my money to both pay and play. You're missing the main point!

    This is more about the principle over how gamechanges can be suddenly or unfairly implemented, especially without any prior form of proper consultation with whom those changes affect (the customers), very annoyingly just after the introduction of items namely Reinforced Ribs which were placed on cash sale. Items which were sold and gave the misleading impression that they would improve expectations in gameplay through the betterment of customers ship defences, thus improving one's boat and which were purchased in good faith.

    Then unannounced, after they have sold these items they impose this sneaky underhand introduction of 'Cannon Damage' which negates the desirable effects for what these Reinforced Ribs were sold for in the first instance. Do you not smell an absolute desperate need for cash at any cost from this company?

    Had they explained fully what was to happen before they underwent this whole scam process, then customers would have had the full and free choice whether to buy these items, or not.

    This is what is totally wrong here. (again)!!!

    As to the whiners you refer to, if all the whiners (including yourself, don't forget to be honest) all left this game, then the game would have been closed down a long - long time ago. There is no point in remaining quiet either, as this is what this thread exists for, so that customers can voice their protestations, concerns, feelings and their unhappiness at the conduct of this company.

    *Remember this and please be grateful. If some people didn't pay anything at all, then this game wouldn't be F2P free for you to play, as this game simply wouldn't exist and your F2P account would be defunct.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  11. frankthetank1974

    frankthetank1974 Board Analyst

    100% agreed yet more under hand deception !
    *LiLVIC615* likes this.
  12. *LiLVIC615*

    *LiLVIC615* Forum Apprentice

    Merry Christmas....Ya got yours early.


    Marksman left the game. So not only am I now with out an integral member of the Guild.
    He was the strongest player in the guild.

    Personallly,I think your comment was very rude considering the efforts that was put forth by the
    so called "whiners".
  13. Lady.Wolf

    Lady.Wolf Active Author

    I want to say "thank you" to SEAFIGHT/bigpoint for banning, deleting most of what 308Marksman said or did. As for these "hidden updates", well that was the last straw! He is gone! Merry xmas,,,
    *LiLVIC615* likes this.
  14. Satan_Himself

    Satan_Himself Forum Baron

    I apologize, but I can't understand why they keep doing the same thing after learning the lesson. It is like if you wanted to put your hand on fire to check if it is still hot after you got burned for putting your hand in fire.
    I apologize for being a little bit rude. However, what I mean is: If you feel scammed by Bigpoint, why would you keep feeding them? I could afford to spend some money in the game, but having lost ships in the past I would not want to spend money to one day find my ship deleted with the game.

    Bigpoint has rarely ever asked before any major update in this game. I only recall a poll about the old deck system were they asked if we wanted to get rid of them and replace them or make them unsellable due to people getting hacked and having their pearl decks sold.

    I understand it is not about money, but that is what Bigpoints wants as a company (currently owned by Youzu entertainment I think). If there is no communication between Bigpoint and Youzu, nothing will happen as long as Youzu gets money because that means that everything is fine. Unless they see bad numbers with Seafight, they have no reason to change anything, including their shady practices.

    Btw, my f2p ship breaks some hull and may even be an incentive for enemies to spend money, thus being good for game economy. I can be quite annoying in water n.n
    Loki1621 likes this.
  15. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Hi Satan - No apology was necessary, rarely is any offence taken as these forums are a free way for everyone to contribute their valuable opinions. However, thank you for your kind considerate response anyway, it's highly appreciated.:)

    I can fully understand your feelings and a long time ago I used to feel similar to yourself when this game started going the wrong way downhill, i.e. not being able to understand why people kept spending money on something they were at the time unhappy with and regularly complained about.

    The truth of the matter IMO, is that this game when it used to be operated correctly in the older days was a very enjoyable pastime, as is more than clearly evident from all the old feedback from the mass exodus of former players who actually did leave this game when they felt that the time was right for them to leave.

    Quite a few other customers with this in mind took the opposite decision and continued as normal as they could only see matters improving. Hence, quite a lot of players kept investing money into their ships to keep up with the general fun at that time and living in the (now misguided with hindsight) pure hope that this company might just possibly see the error of their greedy and carefree ignorant ways, customers who optomistically and rather foolishly hoped the game would be transformed for the better. Very sadly this misguided optimism only turned into the reality of a downhill spiral as matters actually became worse, not better!

    As matters deteriorated further and the game declined, it was and still is, very difficult to just throw in the towel and feel that all that past investment is going to be wasted. This quandary is what now keeps a lot of 'die hard' customers active now in the pure hope that things will improve. However, there does obviously come a point where one has to accept that we are simply fooling ourselves and throw in the towel and leave a game where we believe things are only getting worse and this technically inferior game is no longer as enjoyable or value for money that it once was.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    *LiLVIC615*, Lady.Wolf and Loki1621 like this.
  16. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    I would like to ask you all a question.

    What would you do to rectify the situation of being "missed" by NPCs and Towers?

    Now, knowing GM you will say it is not about being missed but how no warning was given prior and we were sold the Ribs with false information etc. Well the fact is that this was not an issue before the introduction of these Ribs, and then the increase in Gems. I believe it was likely an oversight by BP that this issue came about, Damage Prevention has been in the game for years, they knew it worked probably no major scenario testing was done, however, it did come about, and something needed to be done about it.

    The Ribs themselves were never advertised to you for you to take no damage, they were sold to improve your Damage Prevention by 10%. These Ribs still lower your Damage Prevention by 10%. If you do not have the Ribs, then the NPCs would be hitting you 10% harder, giving you an even harder time on the game.

    So I ask again, "missed" was a problem in the game now, oversight, lack of care, whatever you want to call it, it was here. How do you fix such a game-breaking situation?

    If you do not like the change that's been done, give them another possible solution. If you have one which makes both the players happy and fixes the problem I am sure they would implement that.

    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  17. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Short term Arky, reduce the 'significant' amount of Cannon damage that was abruptly introduced. I am not saying by an amount where ships will be 'missed' altogether, but at this moment players are being hit too hard and having to either use far more Amulets to repair, or leaving the scene far too prematurely. I am well defended and it hurts me, so players with less defence must be really hurting.

    At least this will give players the temporary relief of some breathing space whilst awaiting a more permanent solution.

    Turn down the fire, it's too hot. (lol);)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    *LiLVIC615* and Lady.Wolf like this.
  18. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    I believe 20% is the amount they have added to all NPCs. This is the current possible Damage Prevention:
    Level 24 Ship Gem: 24%
    Level 24 Pet Gem: 18%
    Adamantine Hull Castle Level 8: 16%
    Agwe Armor Plates: 10%
    Super Armor Plates: 10%
    Agility Trainer Level 3: 2%
    Armor Special Ship Gem: 5%
    Agwes Armor Skill: 14%
    Brothers In Arms: 5%
    Reinforced Ribs Level 1: 12%
    Total Value:

    Now as you can see, although Super Armor Plates are not used by most players, they can still be used and would be used in the major situations like Islands, Harrowstorm etc. Seeing as Over 100% Damage Prevention caused the "missed" before adding 20%, and now you need over 120% Damage Prevention. Lowering the Cannon Damage really is not an option.. they have only increased it to the lowest possible value. 4% of 96000 (Level 4 Tower Damage) is only 3840 per tower per shot, which is also really no defence when they have a 10s reload.

  19. Grand-mariner™

    Grand-mariner™ Forum Veteran

    Well how about increasing players Cannon damage a few % so they part compensate by finishing a target slightly faster, thus not taking the extra damage for as long a duration as they are currently getting hit?
    *LiLVIC615* and Lady.Wolf like this.
  20. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    That is something they could do by adding -20% Damage Prevention on the NPCs (effectively increasing the player damage by 20%), or whatever that would be appropriate. Possible solutions are just as good as feedback ;)

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