Why 2 Jolly Roger Day's for Greece

Discussion in 'Help' started by USSChallenger1, Mar 24, 2018.

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  1. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    I just read the official announcement for a Jolly Roger day for Greece
    Ahoy Pirates,

    There will be another “Jolly Roger Day” (Greece) starting on Sunday, the 25th March at 00:01 (local server time). The Event will run until the end of the day on 25th March at 23:59 (local server time).

    The new Jolly Roger packages, the Flare ammunition packages and the Lion Keys packages will be available in the payment section.

    Also the Jolly Roger event quests (repeatable every 4 hours) as well as the new lion chests and lion keys will be available again. The lion keys from former events will not be reset (changed into normal keys). They will stay in the account and can be used in all upcoming Jolly Roger Days again.

    Your Seafight Team
    Seren, Yesterday at 7:00 PM

    Now, I'm wondering why we are having another one?

    Ahoy Pirates,

    There will be another “Jolly Roger Day” (Greek) starting on Saturday, the 28th October at 00.01 (local server time). The Event will run until the end of the day on 28th October at 23:59 (local server time).

    The new Jolly Roger packages and Flare ammunition packages will be available in the payment section.

    Also the Jolly Roger event quests (repeatable every 4 hours) as well as the new lion chests and lion keys will be available again. The lion keys from former events will not be reset (changed into normal keys). They will stay in the account and can be used in all upcoming Jolly Roger Days again.

    Your Seafight Team
    Seren, Oct 26, 2017
  2. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The same country can have more than one Jolly Roger Day throughout the year as they are based on national holidays, for example the Jolly Roger we are having on the 25th March 2018 (
    “Jolly Roger Day” (Greece)) is for Independence Day in Greece.

    The second Jolly Roger Day you posted is from the
    “Jolly Roger Day” (Greek) thread, which was posted on the 26th of October 2017, and that event has already passed, so we only have one upcoming Jolly Roger Day event.

    Has this resolved your query?

  3. USSChallenger1

    USSChallenger1 Old Hand

    No, it has not. If Jolly Roger days are based upon a country independence, and if the thread in which I wrote, specifically stated that a jolly roger day for the October time frame and now the current jolly roger day currently going on is for Greece then which is it, then or now? I know that the October event is finished but was wondering why 2 for the same country. If they are solely based on national holidays as according to you and your research, then every day would be a jolly roger day for national holidays from around the world for every country.
  4. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    As I explained above, there can be more than one Jolly Roger day for any particular country throughout the year and they not specifically related to a countries independence, that just happens to be the reason for the currently ongoing Jolly Rogers day.
    As you can see from reading the Jolly Roger Day! Event FAQ:

    When and for what reason a Jolly Roger day is scheduled is down to the choice of the Game Designers and not that of the moderators, we can only provide you with the information.

    If you would like to suggest a change to how Jolly Roger Days are scheduled, I can only suggest that you leave your feedback in the
    General Feedback section of the forum.

    Has this now resolved your query?

  5. -TALENTO.GR.-

    -TALENTO.GR.- Someday Author

    both days were independance days...history lessons begins at 25 march 1821 greek revolution against othomans and 28 october 1940 when greek facist metaxas refused to get occupied by italian facist mousolini
  6. As this is becoming argumentative, this post shall be closed.

    As Swift has stated, the Game Designers decided to schedule another one. This shall have to suffice as answer.

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