Value of Reinforced Ribs - Part Two

Discussion in 'Help' started by The*Defiant, Aug 7, 2018.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Sorry - I was editing my reply when it got closed. If the Level 2 reinforced ribs give 14% more Damage Prevention, then wouldn't this help to offset the Total Damage Bonuses in a battle? So if I have let's say Total Damage Prevention of 60% and the opponent has Total Damage Bonuses of 60% (gems, castles, etc.), then wouldn't these offset to 100% damage? By the same token, if I have 40% Dodge Chance and the opponent has 140% Hit Probability, wouldn't these equal out to 100% Hit Probability? (I saved your answer to a previous inquiry regarding Damage Prevention vs. Cannon Damage Bonuses and Dodge Chance vs. Hit Probability). Thanks for all of your help!
  2. darksailrevenge

    darksailrevenge Someday Author

    i waz told the reinforced ribs only work against npc not players i might be wrong.
  3. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    Yes you are correct, Damage Prevention offsets the attackers Cannon Damage. However, not all of a players damage is from Cannon Damage (which as you say would be offset by Damage Prevention), a lot of the players damage is from other values such as Elite Ammunition Bonus, so for this reason, although equipping Reinforced Ribs would help lower the damage you receive, it would not have as much of an effect as on an NPC which has none to a very small amount of Cannon Damage.

    I shall refer you to the first thread on this subject; The Value of Reinforced Ribs?, Damage Prevention does work on players, however it will be less noticeable.

    Have all queries been answered?

  4. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Two things - First: I still wonder if my Hit Probability = 140% and the opponent's Dodge Chance = 40% (and forget everything else for this example), would my true Hit Probability be exactly 100%? If so, then in this case, any Dodge Chance over 40% would be useless, which is a valuable piece of information! Second: Can you have enough Damage Prevention to offset *all* of the gems, buffs, castles, elite bonuses, etc.....or not? Thank you so much for your answers and dedication!
  5. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    You are correct, 140% Hit Probability with your opponents 40% Dodge would result in you having a resulting 100% Hit Probability. If however you had 150% Hit Probability, because the resulting amount would be 110%, this would be lowered to 100%. Should your opponent have more Dodge Chance however, for example 60%, the resulting Hit Probability would be 80% and thus your damage would be lowered.

    For the second question, please take your time to view the
    Maximum Values: Cannon Damage and Maximum Values: Damage Prevention bible entries.

    Have your queries been answered?

  6. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Excellent explanation on the first part! I have got it! My final question is on the second question above (after doing what you suggested and looking at the Maximum Value references) and is this: since Max Cannon Damage is 110.25% and Max Damage Prevention is 123.5%, if I (theoretically) had 110.25% and my opponent had 123.5%, would my cannon damage to my opponent be 100% (like in the old days before the gems, castles, etc.), *or* would it be 110.25 - 123.5 = 86.75%?
  7. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    Please note that Cannon Damage on Players can be up to 134.25% as mentioned in the Maximum Values thread.

    However, lets use your example to explain what happens if you have more Damage Prevention than your opponents Cannon Damage. In your example, 110.25% Cannon Damage and 123.5% Damage Prevention, this would result in a total of -13.25% Cannon Damage for your opponent. That means, that their ammunition damage would be decreased by that percentage. For example, if (s)he was to use Voodoo Blast, which normally does 100 damage without any bonuses, this would be lowered to 86.75 damage per ball.

    Has this now answered your query?

  8. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Yes....absolutely! I somehow missed the third category for "Player Only". Thank you so much for all of your time and help! The purpose of asking all of these questions is that it allows me to come up with a rough average of what strong players are running (at 6,000 pearls per player to see their profile). Then, armed with your answers, I can try to best optimize the balance for my ship.
  9. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    No problem, you are most welcome.

    As all questions have now been answered, this thread shall be closed.

    Happy Sailing!

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