Cannot buy elite designs

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by $3NI0R, Yesterday at 8:40 PM.

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  1. $3NI0R

    $3NI0R Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, I cannot buy any elite ship design above lvl 10, there is the forbidden sign on each of the designs, no tooltips, no message upon hovering with the mouse over. Why can't I purchase ?
    I have:
    Pirate lvl 26
    EP 1,203,424,856
    ELP 891,885,651
    User ID 39/41860829
    Server GB 1
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy $3NI0R!

    In order to obtain old Elite designs you need to be in certain League.

    More information can be found here ->
