negative buff

Discussion in 'Technical Issues' started by Legion187, Wednesday at 2:01 PM.

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  1. Legion187

    Legion187 Forum Apprentice

    can someone here plss remove my 50% negative buff yesterday i did not even have it and now i have 50%

    because of this negative buff my rewards on event will now be 50% less now too

    UID: 40/28745286

    and now its 60 percent negative buff
    Last edited by moderator: Wednesday at 8:06 PM
  2. Wolfi3

    Wolfi3 Forum Apprentice

    Take a break. You have it because you have been on for way too long.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Legion187!

    No one can remove your diminishing returns. This is something that will go down over time.

    If you wish to learn more on Diminishing Returns please take a look at this thread ->

  4. Legion187

    Legion187 Forum Apprentice

    ok i get it now thnks

    you may close this thread now
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there are no further question I will close this thread.

    Happy Sailing Pirate!


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