Autotarget back

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by -Mr.Eyüp-, Apr 28, 2023.

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  1. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Active Author

    Just want to inform jpw and the 8 legal players on Seafight that autotarget are back. Incase ya wounder why the game got worse than it already have been.

    There are about 1k players who actively play, roughly speaking, of these 1000 players there are maybe 8 + jpw who do not use autotarget or bot. Is that the reason why Bigpoint

    is unable to stop the botters? Or do not dare to permanently ban? Don't start with

    "the bots are one step ahead of us again", that's *Edit*, bot has existed since 2013,

    possibly longer, but previously you didn't get 234234234 chances and 2 weeks break,

    you got maybe 2 or 3 chances but the 3 ban was always permanent.....

    You have a registry, were its possible too see if players got ban earlyer.....
    Then i wounder.....why can't you use the same information,that you use when you insert a new chat moderator, to also ban a player permanently if it turns out that the player has been banned before?

    Yeah maybe u can't stop the bot creators (obviously you can't, it has stayed the same for 4 years straight without you having any control)

    but you know what you can do dear Bigpoint ? stop the players main account with
    permanent ban it, and no main account = slowley slowley..... no money for bot owner.

    as the players would stop use bot, because they saw after lost 213123 accounts , it would keep get ban.....

    Last edited by moderator: Apr 28, 2023
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy -Mr.Eyüp-!

    Thank you for your feedback, we will pass it onto the appropriate party.


    The*Defiant likes this.
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