
Discussion in 'General Questions' started by BouH{BG}, Jan 30, 2025.

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  1. BouH{BG}

    BouH{BG} Junior Expert

    It's normal to pay money for something and be able to take everything that is offered, right? That's not the case for the Buccaneer, so why should we pay for it? Half of the things require a resource that is beyond the reach of most players, for example: You want coins from opponents for league buffs, even for just 1 buff you want 3 coins, and most players take 1 coin per month, how many players can afford it, no more than 10-20% of the players, and after 2-3 months they will run out of coins and then they won't be able to take it either. The other thing is that it requires an awful lot of Safanad for most things, which is still insufficient for most players, for example: I had about 1 million. Safanad 2 months ago, now I only have 50,000, which means I won't open Buccaneer's anymore, because I'm paying for it and getting nothing! Fix your nonsense and stop with this artificial intelligence, and don't make someone with natural intelligence think that you're becoming a laughing stock now.

    Why don't you put packages of money in Buccaneer's and there? May you be a complete failure.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BouH{BG}!

    Thank you for your feedback, we will forward this onto the appropriate party.

    Since there is nothing further to discuss I will close this thread.


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