Debuff Colors

Discussion in 'Help' started by Bawdyn, Dec 3, 2023.

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  1. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I was following @The*Defiant thread on this topic. I do remember a thread with the different debuff icons, but couldn't find it. I did however, find this thread that did identify the first few colors. @Rymar did at that time know these colors as he answered the question then.

    There is also mention of a Red one, but it isn't clear if this is the same as the Orange one or the one after Orange.

    So, here is the question. If @Rymar knew the answer in June, why is this information not available now?
  2. Revenger[TR]

    Revenger[TR] Forum Apprentice

    1st Scar Debuff (duration of 1 month):
    • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 2%
    • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 2%
    • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 0.7 seconds
    • Currency Loot: Reduced by 10%
    • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
    • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
    • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 0.5 seconds
    • Disabled Aura of Protection
    • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    2nd Scar Debuff (duration of 3 months):
    • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 5%
    • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 5%
    • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 1.4 seconds
    • Currency Loot: Reduced by 20%
    • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
    • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
    • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 1.0 second
    • Disabled Aura of Protection
    • Disabled League of Captains
    • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    3rd Scar Debuff (duration of 6 months):
    • Cannon Damage: Reduced by 5%
    • PvP Damage Modifier: Reduced by 5%
    • Cannon Reload Time: Increased by 2.1 seconds
    • Currency Loot: Reduced by 30%
    • Stealth Mode Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
    • Submarine Decoy Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
    • Exploit Cooldown: Increased by 1.5 seconds
    • Disabled Aura of Protection
    • Disabled League of Captains
    • Disabled Bonus Maps
    • Disabled Raid Maps
    • Disabled Quest Acceptation
    I've arranged the colors of buffs according to the titles; here are the given debuff characteristics.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 3, 2023
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I reached out to get an answer on that subject and has been told that this information will not be shared.

    That's why The*Defiant threads were closed.

    To prevent this thread from becoming a discussion I will close this one too.

    Happy Sailing Pirate!


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