Feedback Gathering Greed

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Jun 2, 2023.

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  1. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    Payout of Platos reduced since last restart? 5 instead of the normal 10.
  2. *foxy*

    *foxy* Someday Author

    i have still been getting 10.

    did you kill and npc that was already attacked by someone else ? maybe the coins were split ?

    was it just once or several times you had this payout ?

    maybe worth doing a couple on your own just to double check and then maybe put logbook entries in here.

    hope this helps bud
    The*Defiant likes this.
  3. lude1962

    lude1962 Forum Duke

    2023-06-16 02:22:54
    You sank Windy Cartographer's ship.
    2023-06-16 02:22:54
    You received 5 x Plato's coin.
    damage from windy has also been massively reduced
    my hp has magically increased by about 20%

    2023-06-16 02:45:16
    You received 10 x Plato's coin.
    2023-06-16 02:49:48
    You received 6 x Plato's coin.

    So they have varied the payout but chance of platos appears to have increased.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2023
  4. *foxy*

    *foxy* Someday Author

    ahhh i see well an update has just come out but no info on it yet.

    i have no clue now bud sorry :( i couldnt help hopefully mod can clear this up for you.

    as for the hp lol i just logged back on now and my hp has also risen lol

    Event Changes:
    • We have increased the loot of Plato coins in the Event Admirals, and added chance for a small amount from regular event npcs.
    • We have heard your calls for a PvP Rebalancing, therefore, we are starting to make some changes to that goal. We shall start small, listen to feedback and suggestions, and make more changes as needed. Today, to begin, we have increased a designs default HP from 75,000 to 300,000. We have also increased the Hitpoints you can gain from the Castles by a factor of 5.
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 16, 2023
    The*Defiant likes this.
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy BOMBER890!

    You gain 600 Points if you survive 10 minutes within Pirates vs. Monsters group map (1 second = 1 point).

    Ahoy lude1962!

    There was no reduction but an increase in rewards, you can still get 10 Plato Coin + chance for additional bit.

    We have increase base elite ship Hitpoints from 75 000 to 300 000.

    BOMBER890 likes this.
  6. -мтк-БАРС-116

    -мтк-БАРС-116 Forum Apprentice

  7. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    For what it's worth: I have four Logbook entries for you, mate (all on June 17th). My results were quite different too, and these NPCs were all soloed. (See below):

    2023-06-17 01:07:59 You received 130 x Terra ammunition.
    2023-06-17 01:07:59 You received 2761 EXP (experience points).
    2023-06-17 01:07:59 You received 123 x Crowns.
    2023-06-17 01:07:59 You sank Renown Cartographer's ship.

    2023-06-17 01:01:54 You sank Renown Cartographer's ship.
    2023-06-17 01:01:54 You received 128400 EXP (experience points).
    2023-06-17 01:01:54 You received 4 x Plato's coin.
    2023-06-17 01:01:54 You received 6467 x Terra ammunition.
    2023-06-17 01:01:54 You received 53288 x Pearls.

    2023-06-17 00:54:58 You received 10 x Plato's coin.
    2023-06-17 00:54:58 You received 6574 x Terra ammunition.
    2023-06-17 00:54:58 You received 139896 EXP (experience points).
    2023-06-17 00:54:58 You sank Renown Cartographer's ship.

    2023-06-17 00:44:31 You sank Renown Cartographer's ship.
    2023-06-17 00:44:31 You received 5 x Plato's coin.
    2023-06-17 00:44:31 You received 10 x Plato's coin.
    2023-06-17 00:44:31 You received 6291 x Terra ammunition.
    2023-06-17 00:44:31 You received 4888 x Crowns.

  8. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    booghy1973 likes this.
  9. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Where is the list of the Phase 3 quests?
  10. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    These are the rewards of the final quests of "Phase 3" :

    2023-06-18 11:07:49
    You received 25000 x Pearls.
    2023-06-18 11:07:49
    Congratulations! Quest completed.
    2023-06-18 11:07:49
    You received 5000 x Terra ammunition.
    2023-06-18 11:07:49
    You received 1 x Central Map Piece.
    2023-06-18 11:07:37
    The quest has begun. Smooth sailing, Pirate!
    2023-06-18 11:07:25
    You received 5 x Level 2 Overlord cannon.
    2023-06-18 11:07:25
    You received 1 x Glyph of Atlantis.
    2023-06-18 11:07:25
    1x Top-Right Map Piece was/were removed. Reason: Quest delivery.
    2023-06-18 11:07:25
    You received 600 x Yulong coin.
    2023-06-18 11:07:25
    You received 6000 x Crowns.
    2023-06-18 11:07:25
    Congratulations! Quest completed.
    2023-06-18 11:07:25
    1x Top-Left Map Piece was/were removed. Reason: Quest delivery.
    2023-06-18 11:07:11
    The quest has begun. Smooth sailing, Pirate!
    2023-06-18 11:07:01
    1x Bottom-Left Map Piece was/were removed. Reason: Quest delivery.
    2023-06-18 11:07:01
    You received 500 x Yulong coin.
    2023-06-18 11:07:01
    1x Bottom-Right Map Piece was/were removed. Reason: Quest delivery.
    2023-06-18 11:07:01
    You received 25000 x Pearls.
    2023-06-18 11:07:01
    You received 300 x Plato's coin.
    2023-06-18 11:07:01
    Congratulations! Quest completed.
    2023-06-18 11:06:15
    The quest has begun. Smooth sailing, Pirate!
    2023-06-18 11:04:13
    1x Really Reworked Plans was/were removed. Reason: Quest delivery.
    2023-06-18 11:04:13
    Congratulations! Quest completed.
    2023-06-18 11:04:13
    You received 700 x Crowns.
    2023-06-18 11:04:13
    You received 21000 x Pearls.
    2023-06-18 11:04:13
    You received 50 x Solon's coins.

    I agree that it is hard to get the last shot on 15 event admirals but the rewards for the quests which followed were worth it to me. I hope you get them if you haven't already.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2023
    The*Defiant likes this.
  11. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Thank you very much, mate! As you know, it helps to know the potential rewards, which I didn't previously - since nobody has posted the Quests/Rewards for Phase 3 (and the Event ends this Thursday, for goodness' sake).

    Last edited: Jun 22, 2023
  12. booghy1973

    booghy1973 Forum Apprentice

  13. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy booghy1973!

    All "old" ship design and gems attached to them can be found in our SF Bible Ship Designs

  14. Tylersgma1999

    Tylersgma1999 Active Author

    The Quest "Gift to the Wise" requires us to "Defeat" 15 Event Admirals! This is quite a joke! I have had it active for over 2 days and only got 2 of the 15 defeated. What is BP thinking? :eek:
  15. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I finally tried it, since kind player 8luckyjack8 posted all of the rewards for "Phase 3". You can scroll up just a short bit above and read them. <--(And the Quests/Rewards are still *not* yet posted with 2 days left in our Event). You have to get through this terrible quest (I assume) in order to get to one that gives "5 Overlord Level-2 cannons". But - like you - I got only 2/15 and said "Forget it" and cancelled it, after reading today's news that people with Windows 7 will have to upgrade to use the Seafight Client. That's a pathetic joke, but given the way this game is run, it figures.
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I don't think that you are aware but all quests are done by us (yes... manually, these are not provided to copy / paste as you may think) so if there is not enough time to sit down do all the quest, write them down (yes quest description is written down by us too) and add images then such quest will not be posted - like for example Phase 3 ones within this event.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  17. H€ℓℓ§Miñiøñ

    H€ℓℓ§Miñiøñ Forum Apprentice

    Event Changes:
    • We have added a package into the Shop so you can convert Solon Coins and Plato Coins
    • We have added to the highest Admiral of your level the chance to obtain Map Pieces from higher level admirals (e.g. if you are level 25, you can earn the Map Piece that would have dropped from Level 41+ in your admiral).
    • Likewise, for those level 20 or below, you can earn the map pieces from your event npcs.

    Okay, so does this mean, for a level 25, I would have to keep shooting the Revenge Cartographer to get the last puzzle piece? I am not understanding of how to get the last puzzle piece . Would someone please explain this better for me to understand?
  18. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy H€ℓℓ§Miñiøñ!

    Yes, if you are level 25 the highest event admiral for you is the Revenge Cartographer therefore you have chance to obtain the last piece from it. If however your level would be 30 then Unchained Cartographer would have to be sunk.

  19. H€ℓℓ§Miñiøñ

    H€ℓℓ§Miñiøñ Forum Apprentice

    Thank you Rymar. What do you grt if you have all 5 puzzle/map pieces? Are they going to let you get a piece ifyou don't get the last piece?
  20. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    If you own all pieces you can purchase 3 Ancient Emblems (found in the event market) which grants you access to the event group map (Visit Monroe Robinson in Safe Haven).

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