hi Ryma SF Team

Discussion in 'New Pirate Tutorials' started by YOUNG(B)T*, Aug 8, 2024.

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  1. YOUNG(B)T*

    YOUNG(B)T* Forum Apprentice

    have little issue with special gem for you re pve pvp build u share with me others so don't have on my almost use ship the 49+ for pve pvp so u have some ideas can use other specials gems for my pve pvp build ? hi Rymar can u let me Kwon please

    https://prnt.sc/m35sipOiSyO3 here the light shot gems got set up my pve pvp same u share with me or others players

    was worried ask you re opine because almost using you re build was change it al time fell not right with that!
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 9, 2024
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy YOUNG(B)T*!

    As stated in past, I use Speed because I like it, if you don't then switch it for anything else.

    Aventurine would be best option as 5% Armor plates bonus is quite huge when it come to certain NPCs or PvP.

    If you are going with 2 ship designs (1 pvp 1 pve) and do not own 2 Aventurine special gems then:

    - PvP - Aventurine
    - PvE - Moonstone

    Hope that helps.

  3. YOUNG(B)T*

    YOUNG(B)T* Forum Apprentice

    thanks Rymar for answer me appreciate u active SF Team :)