Feedback How to Avoid Unfair Debuff

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Øц†_†Д_ģ€†_м€, Nov 9, 2024.

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  1. Hello.

    A few months ago, my guildmate received an unfair debuff. And today, another guildmate also received an unfair debuff. I'm afraid of investing my time and money in an account and then getting a debuff as a reward when I actively play an event.

    So, how do I avoid getting an identifier error when using cheats in SF? Is there any additional software I can install to prove that I don't use cheats/bots? Does being logged into SF Discord help?

    Furthermore, if there is no tool to protect players who do not cheat, I would like to take advantage of this topic to suggest that the development team create something that prevents injustice.

    NdRrYsHe likes this.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    Something like unfair debuff simply do not exist.

    You broke game T&C you have been punished as simple as that.

    The only way to avoid debuff is to stop cheating / breaking our game T&C.

    With any further questions regarding the debuffs please contact Support.


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