Discussion in 'General Questions' started by ŖΥOÜ~, Sep 27, 2024.

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  1. ŖΥOÜ~

    ŖΥOÜ~ Someday Author

    Ornamented KEYS for what ????
  2. AmericansMostWanted

    AmericansMostWanted Forum Greenhorn

    • Earth Shaker
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, you are rewarded with EXP, Cursed Souls, Radiant Souls, Heartbreaker Ammo, Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Orichalkum or Safanad Coins.
      • Depending on how much damage you inflict, at least 10%, you are rewarded with Ornamented Keys
      • The player who inflicts most of the damage is rewarded with Plato’s Coins, Cursed Souls, Radiant Souls, Pearls, Crowns, Yulong, Orichalkum or Safanad Coins.
      • such a dumb idea to keep everything blocked by npcs that are being dragged to islands and fighting constantly yup thats seafight ... so dumb
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy ŖΥOÜ~!

    This quest item can be obtained from the Earth Shaker NPC.

    For any further questions regarding the event please use the discussion thread provided ->


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