League points by cycle

Discussion in 'Help' started by CSS_Shenandoah, Feb 15, 2018.

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  1. CSS_Shenandoah

    CSS_Shenandoah Forum Apprentice

    Is there any way to see the league points at the end of every cycle? I was in 34th place hours before the latest cycle ended but sure enough, I only earned 2 competitor coins again after ranking around 1.1 million points. I'd really like to know how I've lost the 11-100 slot that rewards 4 coins with Buffs twice now.
  2. HMS-Harp

    HMS-Harp Forum Apprentice

    Was your ranking on just your server or all servers? There is a big difference. It is very hard to compete against boats running 24/7 that seem to have unlimited resources. Been there done that in regards to competing being up there in ranking with league putting in all those hours and winning two coins. :(
  3. *Wonder*

    *Wonder* Advanced

    I was 54 th on our server and when I checked all servers..i was 208....I quit.....haha
  4. CSS_Shenandoah

    CSS_Shenandoah Forum Apprentice

    If thats how it is I might as well not even try. I don't get this game.
  5. ·єviłωαყѕ·

    ·єviłωαყѕ· Board Analyst

    yeah why he said he quit best not play a rigged system to start with best advise.
    Grand-mariner™ likes this.
  6. HMS-Harp

    HMS-Harp Forum Apprentice

    BigPoint management should just scrap the league unless they enforce their own Terms and Conditions of the game and permanently ban the bot runners and exploiters of the game. Otherwise it is just a farce.
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We thank you all for your feedback and it will be forwarded.

    As this is not a discussion thread and the OP has been answered this post will be closed. Please open a thread in
    General Feedback section if you have further comments.

    Seren GTL

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