Feedback Most Wanted

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, May 29, 2022.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Most Wanted

    Ahoy Pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on the Most Wanted event.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
  2. mixa126

    mixa126 Forum Greenhorn

    when do mates appear? im asking for Silverblade and Silverblade´s Mate

    BAPHOMET97 Junior Expert

    Are u *Edit* serious? 350mil HP for Redtooth and 80k damage per shot? Most of us players wont even go to 200 mil HP without dying 20 times
    Do you want to kill this game as soon as possible, right?
    Lower their *Edit* damage and their HP so we low lvl and not paying players can shave a chance at this *Edit* game.
    Last edited by moderator: May 30, 2022
    Loki162 likes this.
  4. KillaBeee

    KillaBeee Forum Apprentice

    Redthooth deals 80k damage to me when i have 90% damage reduction. It's damage needs lowering.
  5. Vupiino

    Vupiino Forum Apprentice

    the dont care is sf not more to say abort that
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Minions spawn at intervals of 10% of the NPC health.

    Already forwarded.

  7. [유]nєdєяlandєn

    [유]nєdєяlandєn Someday Author

  8. disneyland

    disneyland Forum Greenhorn


    BAPHOMET97 Junior Expert

    Last edited by moderator: May 31, 2022
  10. -PUSAT-

    -PUSAT- Forum Expert

    I understand what your saying M8 i have dmg reduction at 102% and im getting nailed for 64k and a silvermate hits me for 219k and thats with a lvl 5 guardian.....they need to fix this or cancel this event this is a major joke
  11. ßOMßER

    ßOMßER Junior Expert

    super armor plates and lion bulwarks. not to hard to solo a silverblade. I get hit with 23k
    Last edited: May 31, 2022
  12. disneyland

    disneyland Forum Greenhorn

    ship - dodge and dmg prev + crows and ribs
    pet - dodge and hit chance

    more bulwarks

    with that, i use bloody fury and i get around 2k-10k dmg per hit, so np for me, ezpz
  13. ahaha

    ahaha Forum Apprentice

    You can also swap bulwarks for Commonwealth Guardian so the damage dealt by Silverblades etc isn't a problem at all! (Although you might wanna invest in hit probability at the same time)

    A great event overall !!
  14. БОТЕВЪ11

    БОТЕВЪ11 Junior Expert

    А unique pointless event!
  15. could anyone think that this is a good event??? Boring beyond belief. Another fail, among many recently, by the jerks at BP.
    -PUSAT- and The*Defiant like this.
  16. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    This is an unmotivating and terrible "Event". Add in that I was sunk yesterday, and I just logged in today and I can't repair my boat. It is the same old dysfunctional mess of a game.
  17. Yep...gets better and better by the day. I like the way the event is also extremely boring, the rewards are minimal, and to top it off, they even made it impossible to score some season coins...I mean, 25 silverblades for 10 coins! eeek! Hope you got your ship repaired.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  18. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    I decided to solo a Redtooth for S&G. Here's the results:
    • At a little less than 10% damage a Blackheart's Mate spawned... in map 22. Why would it spawn a ship in map 22 that can only be shot by a level 10 max pirate?
    • At around 50% damage a Redtooth's Mate spawned. 20+ million HP for 4 cursed and 1 radiant soul.
    • Never saw another mate spawn. If there is supposed to be one every 10% damage, where did the other ones go? Do they spawn at some random location?
    • Sunk it and got ~800k pearls for damage and ~100k pearls for last shot (I think that's why two of them?), 260 black powder and 3k shrapnel ammo.
    • 45 minutes to sink it.
    Sure the pearls were a big amount, but I don't need pearls. :( The rest was useless. Back to ignoring this event.
    Xenoverse and The*Defiant like this.
  19. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Yeah buddy -I finally did get repaired. I limped into Safe Haven under the Light and *THEN* the repair button worked. Initially, I clicked the repair button, tried the "hot key" to try to rep, threw amulets, etc., and nothing worked. BUT I'm absolutely certain it was either (a) a display issue; (b) I needed to log-out and log-back in; I needed to clear my cache and cookies; (d) toss my pc and buy a $5,000 gaming computer; or (e) do some dang "temporary" workaround that would (of course) eventually become "permanent". :rolleyes: You know: the weekly Patchday Notes look impressive when I read them. Seems like they fixed fifteen different problems. But the problem with the Notes? Twenty new problems developed in the meantime. :(
  20. **SeaK!nG**

    **SeaK!nG** Someday Author

    You can just go down to map 5-10 and shoot the event ship there. They will count toward the season ;)
    then you will have the 50 coins in a couple of hours.
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