No reward from Calypso

Discussion in 'Help' started by Marijus(LT), Feb 19, 2015.

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  1. Marijus(LT)

    Marijus(LT) Someday Author

    Hello, i wasted 35k heartbreaker ammo on calypso and i got absolutly nothing... I would like to get it back if there is no refund...

    Global Europe 2
    User ID: 166/35469037
  2. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    I have passed along this issue and we are awaiting a response. Thank you for your patience.
  3. Marijus(LT)

    Marijus(LT) Someday Author

    Thank You, I hope i willl get my bullets back. :)
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

  5. Marijus(LT)

    Marijus(LT) Someday Author

    We were about 25 shooting calypso, and to get reward i need to make about 7m hp damage, and with 35k ammo with 220 per hit (100k hp damage) i would make ~16m hp damage, so it's more than 6%, so you are telling me that i won't get refund?
  6. JonnyFive

    JonnyFive Guest

    Hey people if you shoot this event have rocks in head until fix pearl payout is just throwing ammo away. I see by there post it may not be glitch but set up this way. 1 player here on on ga1 got gem for most damage and no pearls do the math 50 boats shoot if not there from start just waste of ammo because no way will you ever get 3% damage! 3% = 7,500,000 you need to do for pearls.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 19, 2015
  7. Mary-Weather

    Mary-Weather Junior Expert

    I also spent a huge load of ammo for no reward. No way I did less than 3%!
  8. {CRIXUS}

    {CRIXUS} Someday Author

    I just did some rough calculations on Calypso. 3% is 7,500,000 damage. If you hit 100k on ship that is at least 75 volleys needed to qualify, which amounts to about 20k ammo being needed to earn anything. If you cannot do the damage required then don't hit the Calypso. Wait for the next one and get there early. Meanwhile, I will do what I can to sink as many as possible off the stack :)
  9. Mary-Weather

    Mary-Weather Junior Expert

    I used 20,000 ammo on a map controlled by my guild (which means less ammo usage.)

    I have 207 cannons --> 20000/207=96.6 volleys. I do hit slightly less than most, but with the extra 10% less usage of ammo, I should have exceeded the required amount fairly easily. (I used much less ammo on two Odysseus.)

    IN addition the lost love zones are not working on Calypso. If I didn't exceed it somehow, that would be the reason why.

    I would request either the amount of pearls I earned or my ammo back please. That was all I had, and this event is messed up for me if I have no ammo and no pearls!

    Why is this 3% thing even a requirement? It just means smaller players cannot hope to hit the Calypso!

    Imagine if a ton of players worked together so that each took of 7 mil and then cancelled attack until it was dead. Based on your system, not a single player would receive any pearls, despite the entire Calypso being destroyed. This makes no sense.
    Doom^^ likes this.
  10. Doom^^

    Doom^^ Forum Inhabitant

    I agree , It's so stupid to put the 3% requirement
  11. {CRIXUS}

    {CRIXUS} Someday Author

    Well I have 277 Voodoo so I could see how it would take you significantly more volleys. I have no idea what you hit on it so can't say for certain whether or not you met the threshold for the payout. Bp sets the threshold so high so they make a huge profit on pearls being used to sink it. Seems like it would be fair if it were cut by 1/2 the existing to qualify for payout.
  12. .~Barbarosa~.

    .~Barbarosa~. Forum Apprentice

    i use ammo in 2 calypso , and i dont get anythink to
  13. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We have had a few reports of this and are looking into the issue. Thank you for your patience while we look into it.
  14. Edward~Teach

    Edward~Teach Forum Inhabitant

    You get a 10% ammo discount on your map. What is your average damage on the Calypso?
  15. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    As Seren has said, we have had reports of this and are awaiting a response. I will close this thread until we have more information.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2015
  16. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    Ahoy mate,

    I come with an update. The 3% limit has been removed now from the Calypso. However, no compensation will be given as the game mechanics were working as intended.

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