Feedback Painbringer cannons

Discussion in 'Help' started by GloriousNoR, Nov 29, 2018.

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  1. GloriousNoR

    GloriousNoR Forum Apprentice

    As I've seen on german forums, some of those who bought Painbringer cannons way to cheap get to keep 25 of them?!

    Don't you deem that unfair to those who did not make that purchase, or those who got all of them removed? Why favor a certain group of those who bought those cannons, while others and those who didn't make the purchase lose from it?

    TEX~BULL User

    We are the Forum Team not the developers and have not say in what players can keep or not keep. If you wish to complain further, feel free to contact Customer Care with the information provided >>Here<<. As nothing further can be done here

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