Players hiding in enemy guild islands?

Discussion in 'Help' started by Demonicwolf, Jul 20, 2017.

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  1. Demonicwolf

    Demonicwolf Forum Greenhorn

    I am a new player and only played for 2 weeks so I still don't know everything on the game but recently a player from a different guild comes out to kill and then hides inside a guild island to heal, and if a player follows them, they are killed by the towers. I've looked this up and haven't found results and I don't know if I should report or not? He boarded me recently after bringing somebody else to kill me and do the same tactics so I do have their name.
    They both are in the same guild too, but not the one for the guild island.
  2. Sea-Sea

    Sea-Sea Forum Inhabitant

    If mentioned player's guild is in an ally with the guild island owners, the island towers will not shoot him.
  3. A-R-K-Y

    A-R-K-Y Forum Overlooker

    Hello mate,

    As Sea-Sea said, it is because the Guild who owns the Island has set the other Guild as an an Ally, this allows them to use their island without being shot by the towers.

    Here are two posts about the Guild Relations wrote quite a while ago

    The only addition to them posts is now if you give a guild the top left relation, they will be able to use your island without being attacked by towers

  4. Demonicwolf

    Demonicwolf Forum Greenhorn

    Oh okay, thanks.
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As this is answered.

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