Raid Map

Discussion in 'Help' started by þHĂÑTιήλтоя, Feb 2, 2015.

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  1. þHĂÑTιήλтоя

    þHĂÑTιήλтоя Someday Author

    Just curious if we were given a explanation why the raid map was changed to the aggressive ships, and why the crystals were taken out?

    I know one reason but don't make this a complaint thread just curious if BP put anything out there about why this was changed?

  2. *rise*

    *rise* Forum Overlooker


    The changes were made to try and encourage level 15 pirates, who stayed in that map as built up ships, to level up and progress onto the higher level map.

    This link might help explain things in more detail for you :)

    Has this helped? :)
  3. þHĂÑTιήλтоя

    þHĂÑTιήλтоя Someday Author

    This update was made a little while ago, I was referring to the one made over a year ago, when the big raid ships do not pay crystals anymore and shoot without being shot first
  4. Nimitz

    Nimitz User

    This was done to promote more attentive game play mostly. That is all the information we have at this time unfortunately.
  5. Melarosa

    Melarosa Junior Expert

    I think it was due to the number of players going to raid for a little snooze.
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    As this has been answered as fully as the information we have allows, this post will now be closed.

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