Repair button flashing red

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Tergrinder, Jan 24, 2025.

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  1. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Advanced

    My repair suddenly doesn't work, above the surface or in Atlantis. Any idea why? Do I need to add a crew member or something? Has always worked fine until today...
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tergrinder!

    This happen when you are hit by certain breach, to resolve your issue you'll have to log out from the sea chart - close it and re-open it again.

  3. AlPhA_male_1

    AlPhA_male_1 Forum Apprentice

    or go to safehaven or change maps that also works
  4. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Advanced

    Yes, I thought that too, but going to Safe haven didn't work, changing maps didn't work, going to the surface didn't work. Also logged completely out of the game and cleared caches, then signed back in - still flashing red and not working - so I quit for the day. That was yesterday, today it works again. Weird. Thanks for the replies :)

    Okay, something is going on here. Right after I sank the Rift Lord I was attacked and sunk by a ship named ༒★亗ᒾŦłKΘŠMłŘΘ☯★༒ and I was under the aura when he sank me. I didn't shoot anyone and had 40 minutes left on my aura. How does that work...?

    One more weird thing going on - I am trying to get into the Kraken's lair, but every time I click on the little "torpedo" looking bomb to go there, it flashes for a sec then says "Activity canceled". Tried it a dozen times. I'm not moving or anything, I've gone in many times before. Why isn't it working today (it was like this yesterday too)?
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 25, 2025
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Tergrinder!

    1. I am glad to hear that your repair function works
    2. If your Aura was lost that mean you must have used an item (as you claim you did not hit anyone) that caused your aura to disappear - for example homing mine next to your fellow pirate sentinel or liquid fire (voodoo mine, contact mine, voodoo bomb, pressure cooker ect.)
    3. In order to access kraken you have to collect kraken meat, what do you mean by " little torpedo"???
  6. MiniMeanie

    MiniMeanie Padavan

    To get your repair to work, assign a hotkey in your controls. Works every time.

    Mini x
  7. piranhahunter

    piranhahunter Forum Expert

    think the topic starter means its not possible to enter kraken map even after picking up the meat. i also encounter that problem
  8. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Me too. I was successful later in the day. I wonder if there is a change in what happens when it's full already when you try to enter?
  9. .Kenze.

    .Kenze. Forum Commissioner

    I also have this problem..Time runs out...o_O
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Pirates!

    It is possible to join kraken, but as stated in previous threads:

    1. There need to be place for you within the Kraken map for the transfer to be successful
    2. If Kraken is defeated you won't be teleported at all
    3. If Kraken is still on cooldown you won't be teleported at all
  11. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    That wasn't the issue, it's that when you are not able to go into the Kraken map, it still tries. The countdown starts, the teleportation graphic starts on you ship and then the count down stops and the announcement says Activity Cancelled. That looks like there is a problem vs being normal. It should just tell you that you can't go in now or something similar. I seem to recall that when that map first started, it put you in a que that let you in once it was available. There was an icon for it too.
  12. djt182

    djt182 Padavan

    Hi they are the 2 pieces of Kraken meat usually left after Tentacle has been shot, click on one of these an there is an opportunity to enter Kraken map, but for a few days now haven't been able to access map either
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2025
  13. djt182

    djt182 Padavan

    Hi Bawdyn, at least the old version let you know you were in the queue & what position you were in it lol
    Bawdyn likes this.
  14. djt182

    djt182 Padavan

    Hi Rymar, I would say that was my expectation of how it worked, but more recently, when collecting Tentacles & Kraken meat for Season 17 there would be a greater opportunity to be allowed to enter map but that doesn't appear to be the case. In the last few weeks of season 17 I've only been allowed to enter on 3 separate occasions (not wanting to really) and there was only 1 other player in there. surely all of the other 18 didn't leave at the same time!? & I was collecting meat repeatedly + kraken was alive & kicking
  15. Tergrinder

    Tergrinder Advanced

    From the descriptions, Bawdyn and others are experiencing the same problem as me with the Kraken Map. As far as the aura, looking back at my Log book, it appears I must have accidentally clicked the homing mine, which killed the aura. Thanks for all responses :) , much appreciated.

    Thanks Mate!
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 26, 2025
    MiniMeanie and Bawdyn like this.
  16. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    That is completely normal. Activity cancelled = No room for you in the map / No Kraken around.

    Pirates if you disagree with my statement please contact Support.

    Since there are no further questions from the OP I will close this thread.


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