Feedback Rumbling Thunder

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Mar 16, 2023.

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  1. 2023-03-22 21:33:41
    You received 1 x Argonaut.
    2023-03-22 21:33:41
    1x Great Key of Atlantis was/were removed. Reason: Chest opened.
  2. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    Kinda sad to see patchnotes arent complete at all. Shipwreck spawnrate got decreased a lot on the normal map as well as the rewards from them. Also the catalyst chamber isnt in the game to my knowledge which was supposed to be here yesterday. Can you stop giving us false or semi-false information and be more transparant. I think we deserve that after all the years of putting up with 'things'.
    Don't get me wrong I think the event is alright just sucks it isnt great after all the money you made from the sigma sale and the packs.
    The*Defiant and Tylersgma1999 like this.

    QUEENVIXEN Forum Expert

    i need to collect 1 creed of chaos. but where from?
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.

    QUEENVIXEN Forum Expert

    Ineed to collect 1 creed of chaos for event quest. But where from?
    Tylersgma1999 likes this.
  5. Loki162

    Loki162 Regular

    another reason not to do events
  6. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Could someone that has done the Volcano part of this event give some feedback on which things gain a reward and if it's worth the time to sit on a NCP with a couple of Billion HP? I've only shot the them for the quests and have not seen any reward at all for that level of shooting (2-3 million HP). I assume you need a certain percent to get anything. The FAQ for the event doesn't mention anything and the FAQ entry for the volcano is no real help at all either.

    Thanks in advance!
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy ☜♔☞ΚΑΛΟΥΔΗΣ☜♔☞ΕΛΛΑΣ!

    There's a few designs / pet hidden within the "event part" of the game, keep your eyes open - for now full list wont be released on our forum (-:

    Well done!

    Ahoy BOMBER890!

    Shipwreck spawn rate did not change after the latest sync.

    Catalyst Chamber starts on Wednesday 29 March - this is pointed within our FAQ.


    If I am not mistaken one of the Submarine admiral ships.

    Unfortunately we don't have the full list of quest items.

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    In my personal opinion Volcano is the best part of the event (so far), here are some rewards:

    You sank Black Rock's ship.
    You received 252309 x Pearls.
    You received 128298 x Pearls.
    You received 1725442 x Pearls.

    Bawdyn and BOMBER890 like this.

    QUEENVIXEN Forum Expert

    i need to collect lawful ledger, but from what?
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    I am glad to hear that you managed to finish your quest - this quest item can be obtained from Dead by Dawn or Roaring Thunder.

  10. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I cannot find where it shows the four Maps that have the Volcano. Where am I "not" looking? Also, why are we getting Cursed Souls?
  11. -мтк-БАРС-116

    -мтк-БАРС-116 Forum Apprentice

    The*Defiant likes this.
  12. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

  13. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Does anyone know why we are getting Cursed Souls? (I see nowhere to spend them).
  14. 8luckyjack8

    8luckyjack8 Old Hand

    Maybe for the next event.
    The*Defiant likes this.
  15. BOMBER890

    BOMBER890 Advanced

    They said its for the catalyst chamber , which is coming out the 29th so very soon :)
    The*Defiant likes this.
  16. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    For the Quest 'Desire to Delve', there are 3 items to collect. I got one, but can't figure out the other two. Any ideas?

    • Atlantean Oil - If this is one of the Atlantis NCP, then I'll just stop this quest and abandon the whole faction now.
    • Deep Sea Designs
    • Shattered Carvings - I got this one from the Raging Beast
    The*Defiant likes this.
  17. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Thanks mate! You're one of the best!:)
    BOMBER890 likes this.
  18. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    I have gone to Sparks twice and she "offered" it to me. I declined, figuring it was "Go to Atlantis, Do Not Pass GO, Do Not Collect $200". But Monopoly jokes aside, maybe Rymar knows. (It's a really good question).
    Bawdyn likes this.
  19. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Here is some feedback for you, mate! Time: 11 p.m CST on 3/27/23: In about 20 minutes with 3 other boats shooting, I shot the 900 million hit point Black Rock using a Volatile Aura of Protection (plus - I have 570 cannons, the Level 5 Sellsword, and periodically used my Sentinel). I was hitting 775k to 800k Criticals using Confetti ammo (with No Sentinel) and just used Bloodlusts and Lost Loves under the Black Rock. I switched midway through to using Terra ammo (hitting 875k to 900k Criticals, since these are rock creatures and Terra is "Earth ammo"). Terra ammo works really good with the Sentinel, since you are hitting like double damage. I got this:

    2023-03-27 21:18:53 You received 1027167 x Pearls.
    2023-03-27 21:18:53 You received 10 x Cursed souls.
    2023-03-27 21:18:53 You sank Black Rock's ship.
    2023-03-27 21:18:53 You received 10 x Cursed souls.
    2023-03-27 21:18:53 You received 835 EXP (experience points).
    2023-03-27 21:18:53 You received 10 x Cursed souls.

    But to be fair, I recall shooting some of these things and getting (if I recall correctly) like 6,100 Yulongs. I wasn't impressed. Burning ammo is a cost of course, and shooting the Golem's (last I checked) they hit really hard. In Map 23/1, you can use both Super Armor and Lion's Bulwarks (since the 20 Maps are Commonwealth Maps where the Lion's Bulwarks help) and get extra protection, but I think your ship may not let you purchase Super Armor (depending on your Battle Points Total, if I recall correctly).

    Okay, my results from one more Black Rock:

    2023-03-27 21:41:58 You received 10 x Cursed souls.
    2023-03-27 21:41:58 You received 1008 EXP (experience points).
    2023-03-27 21:41:58 You sank Black Rock's ship.
    2023-03-27 21:41:58 You received 10 x Cursed souls.
    2023-03-27 21:41:58 You received 10 x Cursed souls.

    2023-03-27 21:41:58 You received 1162376 x Pearls.

    I am surprised! And I still had 10 minutes left on my Aura. I did shoot the Golem and he hit me for 35k damage with only my regular Armor on. When I added Super Armor and Lion's Bulwarks, it went down to 10k. But the extra shields do cost money!

    But my conclusion (opinion) ....(are you still awake, mate)? ;) I'll go against "my personal results" and say that for your boat, I will guess that it probably wouldn't be worth it. Unless you have Overlords, Bastions, and Worldbreaker Level 6s <--(which aren't that good anymore. And my Painbringer Level 6 cannons just sit in my hold). And you get a Black Rock with like 10 people hitting it, your rewards will - of course - drop. I may be totally wrong on this, but hope this data sample helps you! Anyways, it's "food for thought".:)

    Bawdyn likes this.
  20. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General


    Still looking for the 'Oil'.
    Ψαρας(GR) and The*Defiant like this.
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