Server maintenance

Discussion in 'Help' started by DeathWasHere, Mar 1, 2018.

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  1. DeathWasHere

    DeathWasHere Active Author

    There is no post I can check where it's written down the US servers will be going under maintenance today, yet I can't get on water cause of this "maintenance" going on, plus the one that is for the other servers says it has been postponed to next week, that was a post posted yesterday.
    A heads up would be nice.
  2. easymoney1225

    easymoney1225 Forum Apprentice

    i agree but there adding maps and whatnot i know maps are one of the upgrades to game.but i agree this shouldnt have been random.maybe the seafight team will give this server something for the long wait for there trouble
  3. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    Maintenance is well underway to bring the new content recently tested on the beta server to the live servers. Please hold tight, you will be able to log in shortly.

    Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

  4. easymoney1225

    easymoney1225 Forum Apprentice

    if the team would be so kind to give the server something for the trouble would be generous.after all to my knowledge there was no prior warning
  5. Filipino4ever

    Filipino4ever Forum Apprentice

    @ Swift - is kind of frustrating holding tight for hours... there was no announcement, there is no announcement... I just got loaded with time sensitive boosts too PLAY. Not to HOLD TIGHT and see them (not see them) getting wasted for nothing. Whats the time frame for that "sudden" update??!!
  6. darksailrevenge

    darksailrevenge Someday Author

    i bought all the buffs and now i have to wait lol so unfair, when is the maintenance over?
  7. come on guys its ony buffs dont make such a big thing for that .... instead we shuld do something about the safe map and make them to put countown of 15 sec again
  8. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    buppingfish likes this.
  9. Filipino4ever

    Filipino4ever Forum Apprentice

    Ok, US/ Asia was not mentioned at all and why for all other maintenance mentioned it says 1.5 hours - for the none announced one they just do extend that time on top. Whats wrong with that technical team? Why they don't tell honest when they plan major server down times so we can schedule our gaming and buffs accordingly? Cant be so difficult? But they just let us sail (or not sail) in fog. Why they don't come online now and tell how long it will take? So we stop trying logging in but rest - and play later.
    And the update works well. Usually loading game broke at 51% - now it always breaks at 54%. Great job so far!
  10. easymoney1225

    easymoney1225 Forum Apprentice

    i agree this is a tech team issue and i think the players should be compensated for the trouble.a very resonable one of course,its not like people can be doing something else with there time other than sitting at pc trying to log.due to no confirmation on server down time.Peoples lives and Boats matter u know lol
  11. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    We apologise for the problems and for the downtimes, but now everything should work smoothly and everything is up and running again.

    Seren GTL
  12. lellu85

    lellu85 Forum Inhabitant

    Hey, minimap isnt working right. I cant change between clitters and boats, the glitter part is grey and wont change, is that meant to be like that?
  13. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    This has been forwarded. It may be tomorrow before we get a response to this query.

    Seren GTL

    Update received.

    As of today there is no longer a glitter mode.

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