Announcement Server Merge

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by Rymar, Jul 13, 2022.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Server Merge!!

    Ahoy Pirates!

    Something huge is coming!

    In 2 weeks we will have a European server merge and a bit later (spoiler alert!) a new server.


    What servers will be merged and when?

    All servers except the US ones and the European PvE server. We will provide an exact date and time in a future announcement.

    The PvE server Eu7 (1351) will be merged too? Does it stay a PVE server or will it be converted to a PvP server?

    No, that will remain separated and remain a PvE server.

    Will there be more de-buff actions in the future? Is there a plan to filter and sanction the bots more seriously?


    What will be with the guilds?

    The guilds will remain with no changes. But the Guild islands will be cleared, and the resources for building the towers will be added to the guilds.

    The new server will be launched several days after the server merge.

    Yeah, we know, a lot to think about, so feel free to leave your “Arrrggghhh” or “Aye” in the Merge discussion thread.

    Your Seafight Team
    Damnsarge, The*Defiant and Rabbid like this.