Feedback Server Merge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Jul 13, 2022.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Server Merge

    Ahoy pirates,

    Please leave any feedback in this discussion thread, for your thoughts and comments on the Server Merge.

    Remember to stay within forum rules or you may find your forum privileges removed.

    Your Seafight Team
    Rabbid and Xenoverse like this.
  2. Xenoverse

    Xenoverse Padavan

    W00T W00T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That will bring back the hype and players !!!!!!!
    Rabbid likes this.
  3. timarpaul1

    timarpaul1 Forum Pro

    will bring poop
    piratebuccaneer. likes this.
  4. bonnie66

    bonnie66 Active Author

    more bots aloud to play nothing will be done only debuff the genuine players good 1
  5. BiggiSmalls

    BiggiSmalls Forum Apprentice

    Hey Rymar, will something change on the payment prices... cause it can not me true that i am playin with turkeys on my server who not even pay the half of my price for payment
  6. Xenoverse

    Xenoverse Padavan

    You have to understand that they also make half of your salary =]

    Their currency is worth nothing.
  7. Rabbid

    Rabbid Forum Connoisseur

    Finally a merge! So excited <3
    Xenoverse likes this.
  8. -Mr.Eyüp-

    -Mr.Eyüp- Advanced

    this will be intresting :D is it true that all the europe servers will be 1 ? about 20 servers on 1 ?
    Rabbid likes this.
  9. Rabbid

    Rabbid Forum Connoisseur

    27 I believe olol I CANNOT wait~!! so excited. getting my pvp playlist and wallet ready oooo yeah le go bois. !!

    Ultra Server 1 This Ultra Server includes:

    England 1 (39)
    France 1 (41)
    France 2 (147)
    France 3 (370)
    Germany 1 (38)
    Germany 2 (148)
    Germany 3 (283)
    Germany 4 (605)
    Global Europe 1 (14)
    Global Europe 2 (166)
    Global Europe 3 (281)
    Global Europe 4 (504)
    Global Europe 5 (631)
    Global Europe 6 (1216)
    Italy 1 (42)
    Italy 2 (375)
    Netherlands 1 (284)
    Poland 1 (58)
    Poland 2 (486)
    Russia 1 (66)
    Russia 2 (630)
    Scandinavia 1 (74)
    Spain 1 (59)
    Spain 2 (282)
    Turkey 1 (65)
    Turkey 2 (149)
    Turkey 3 (181)
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2022
    -Mr.Eyüp- and Xenoverse like this.
  10. lellu85

    lellu85 Forum Inhabitant

    This is good, but no bots to this new server, thanks :)
  11. AthenaGc

    AthenaGc Forum Apprentice

    Can I transfport my account in this new PvE server? Cause in this server I will play just like a submarine :p
    piratebuccaneer. likes this.
  12. ==Beagle==

    ==Beagle== Forum Greenhorn

    Often Bigpoint has promised to ban bot-users and nothing has happend. Only extra features that benefit the bot-users. The lega-system is only good for bot-users, most of the events are excelent for bot-users.
    With the merge I am afraid that there will be a lot more bot-users on the charts and Bigpoint has done nothing in the last years to ban those players (a debuf for a month whaw).
    So why should real players trust the promise from BP?
    Loki162 likes this.
  13. PomPom70[GWU]

    PomPom70[GWU] Forum Greenhorn

    when Bigpoint does nothing about bot users there will be no npc on the map lol
    so i hope they will do something about that and about the agressive bot programs auto target and stuff like that we will wait and see !!!!!
  14. AIRTEC

    AIRTEC Regular

    excited for the merge and it will bring a new dynamic to the game and im sure bigpoint has plans for the *Edit* users. the merge will be awsome
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 14, 2022
    Xenoverse and Rabbid like this.
  15. Xenoverse

    Xenoverse Padavan

    That's the spirit !
    Rabbid likes this.
  16. BiggiSmalls

    BiggiSmalls Forum Apprentice

    They said they merge all these servers, but is that 100% that they merge it into just one big server ?
  17. Swift

    Swift Community Team Team Seafight


    The list of servers that is being merged into ONE server is:

    England 1 (39)
    France 1 (41)
    France 2 (147)
    France 3 (370)
    Germany 1 (38)
    Germany 2 (148)
    Germany 3 (283)
    Germany 4 (605)
    Global Europe 1 (14)
    Global Europe 2 (166)
    Global Europe 3 (281)
    Global Europe 4 (504)
    Global Europe 5 (631)
    Global Europe 6 (1216)
    Italy 1 (42)
    Italy 2 (375)
    Netherlands 1 (284)
    Poland 1 (58)
    Poland 2 (486)
    Russia 1 (66)
    Russia 2 (630)
    Scandinavia 1 (74)
    Spain 1 (59)
    Spain 2 (282)
    Turkey 1 (65)
    Turkey 2 (149)
    Turkey 3 (181)
    Xenoverse and Rabbid like this.
  18. Xenoverse

    Xenoverse Padavan

    Be seing you on the seas, Swift ! :p

    I'm really excited about this :D
    Rabbid likes this.
  19. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    This merger with all the bots from these servers will create an unplayable situation. This merge will only work if ALL bots are eliminated! Note: Eliminated <> the Buff.
    piratebuccaneer. likes this.
  20. _-walker-_

    _-walker-_ Forum Apprentice

    bawdyn you are right.number company can make 2 server to make,one for warbot and other bot user and another,where is no bot at all,i choice second option,im really sig of those autotarget and etc.etc.etc users.
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