server merge

Discussion in 'Idea Pool & Suggestions' started by QUEENVIXEN, Feb 3, 2024.

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    QUEENVIXEN Forum Connoisseur

    I'm ok that you are going to merge our servers but why are you forcing us to fight? At least leave us the option that we have now. Let us choose if we want to be pve or pvp and let the others fight amongst themselves. Am from GA3 server. And alot of players are leaving because of this. I know this will fall on deaf ears cos we never get listened to .
  2. -={Old=Yella}=-

    -={Old=Yella}=- Someday Author

    I think it is the plan to end the 'FREE GAMEPLAY' Option and to let it be for those fortunate enough to be able to PAY! A sad end of a good game beckons for many!!!
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Please do not open multiple threads regarding the same - server merge.

    We already have a discussion thread on this subject ->


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