This makes no sense to me regarding all Botters.

Discussion in 'Users’ Corner' started by The*Defiant, Dec 18, 2022.

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  1. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    This is my Feedback: I have this happen all of the time, and it irritates me to no end. It is why I stopped spending money on Seafight. We had YEARS of writing Support and reporting cheaters. Some of us even sent in VIDEO PROOF! Yet we always got this line from SUPPORT: "Well - we must BE CERTAIN that they are cheating, and you cannot falsely accuse players, there are privacy laws..", etc. Which we knew then - and know now - is pure garbage. (The player boat names are anonymous; why are you having to protect THEIR privacy? We don't know who they are)! You should be posting their boat names for all of us to see with their length of ban: 6 months, 1 year, or permanently! Add to this that Seafight now finally admits it happens (thus the de-buffs, etc.). A blatant and outright violation of the Terms of Service and other agreements we all accept to play this game. YET they continue to play???

    My gripe here is the current Christmas 2022 Event. This happens non-stop. And it just did now: I was shooting an Event NPC and one player comes up to me and (in fact, is almost on top of me), yet of course he doesn't shoot me....he isn't on his boat! He immediately ignores me and starts shooting MY Event NPC. And he even has the gall to drop a Candle to get himself even more EP, which of course increases over time his rank. (And yeah - I sank his butt).

    NOW FOR MY QUESTION/FEEDBACK: Why on Earth can't we - the honest players - send in a Bandicam clip of this and get these jokers perma-banned? A blind man can see this guy is botting! Why can't we clean this up? Why do we **still** get nothing done when we send these clips into SUPPORT??? (And we do NOT get anything done). We have Colonel Mustard in the Dining Room with the Candlestick. The culprit; where he is doing it and when; and how he is doing it. Would someone tell me why Bigpoint refuses to enforce their own agreements that they lauded for the last 10+ years? I know the cheaters spend money, but that should not allow them a free ticket to cheat non-stop. As Tom Cruise's attorney-character said in the movie "A Few Good Men": "I WANT THE TRUTH"! (And I *can* handle it). Why can I not send in absolute proof of a player cheating and get them banned off the game?? (I can video-record my sinking them 25 straight times in 30 minutes - without one shot fired back at me - day-after-day-after day for 15 straight days, if that's what you need). Will that get it done? Tell me.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2022
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy The*Defiantl,

    Your feedback is noted and will be passed onto the appropriate party.

    Regarding your second query all evidence forwarded goes a long way to assist in the punishment of players breaking the game rules.

    Sadly I can not give you a definitive answer to "will that get it done?" but as seen in the last wave of Gotcha Debuff that many players received, player feedback did assist with that matter as always we hope to improve upon this system.


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