Useless boat

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Ðî®T¥*Ѐ€d§, Jan 23, 2025.

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  1. Ðî®T¥*Ѐ€d§

    Ðî®T¥*Ѐ€d§ Someday Author

    So after one of the dumbest decisions I've ever seen a game make in merging a PVE server (GA3) with a PVP server and screwing over everyone (including myself) that was trying to escape the pay 2 win, wholly uninteresting PVP in this game, I stopped playing. I have only come back here to see if you guys are offering any type of solution or compensation to those who put hundreds if not thousands of hours and who knows how much actual money into their accounts only to have their gameplay experience ruined with an incredibly dumb decision, or do I have a useless boat that you guys robbed?
  2. phatty-Boastrike

    phatty-Boastrike Junior Expert

    aaarrgghh! utter shame, i feel yar pain mate! so i shall walk the plank...
    -PUSAT- likes this.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Ðî®T¥*Ѐ€d§!

    Thank you for your feedback. Since there is nothing to discuss regarding your post I will close this thread.


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