Feedback Vashtak War!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Aug 18, 2023.

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  1. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy CapnBlackBeard!

    That happens because the event was designed to spawn admiral in a random map - trust me if such thing was not implemented into the event almost all admirals would appear in maps 51+

  2. Iam on thanwhe side, it's difficult to earn cursed soul, on the other hand verry easy to earn radiant, any advice how to earn more cursed soul?
    thanks, in advance.
  3. CapnBlackBeard

    CapnBlackBeard Forum Greenhorn

    ok that really makes no since higher level players can go in any map to shoot event admirals but lower level players can spawn lil admirals and they can spawn in maps you cant even get to because your not that level
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 23, 2023
  4. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Well said, and totally accurate! I feel exactly as you do. I have fairly high damage prevention and dodge, and use Super Armor and Lion's Bulwarks combined. Yet, I get smoked by the NPCs, and find myself sunk, log back in, immediately sunk again, and it repeats multiple times. It is frustrating.
    Bawdyn likes this.
  5. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Rymar - I went to do this and I cannot find Teresa Jones in any SH. Can you tell me where she is?

    Domination Arena

    The Event also includes domination styled arena map with no access fee.

    You can access the Arena by speaking to Teresa Jones in any of the safe harbors.
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Look for Nalash Tidehunter.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  7. CoTuSiedzieje

    CoTuSiedzieje Forum Greenhorn

    I made all my missions also from second phase, but still no desing and on faq is that we take one from quest line:(:(:(
    The*Defiant likes this.
  8. ʜooᴆ

    ʜooᴆ Forum Greenhorn

    make it so you only revive in group map no other option becuase when you misclick and choose emergncy repair you have left the map and mess it up for everyone else
    The*Defiant likes this.
  9. can somebody gave suggestions about my post ? verry thanks
  10. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Have you done all missions? Are you sure? What about the PvP ones? :D




    The only option would be to exchange some of your souls within the in-game market or to shoot "Trader" and "Viper" NPCs.

    The*Defiant likes this.
  11. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Hey mate! I had an unusually good payout on one of the "Cold Heart" NPCs. Perhaps you can shoot one and have similar good luck. See below:

    2023-08-24 15:01:46 You received 70515 x Pearls.
    2023-08-24 15:01:46 You've received 38x Vanhu Guardians reputation.

    2023-08-24 15:01:46 You received 18 x Cursed souls.
    2023-08-24 15:01:46 You sank Cold Heart's ship.
  12. The_Perseph0ne

    The_Perseph0ne Padavan

    well when i asked about the quest skin for quest line why was i told it on second phase of quest line why didnt u just say u have to complete pvp quest too omg i just feeel u guys love the run around u make us do
    The*Defiant likes this.
  13. i believe you are in the vanhu side right now, correct ? if yes then the cursed souls is more esier to you
  14. so, the exchange souls is available for now , or ?
  15. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    Yes, I'm on the side of Vanhu Guardians. That said, The FAQs gave me the impression that both sides have the same quests and are roughly the same. (I am not sure where you heard that the sides are different on how many souls they pay out)? But perhaps you are right...I do not know.
  16. The*Defiant

    The*Defiant Forum Freak

    He is referring to the exchange of Souls in the Event Marketplace:


  17. The_Perseph0ne

    The_Perseph0ne Padavan

  18. i mean is , every npc side not give the same reward of souls its depend on what side you choose , in this case all npc that i shoot only give radiant, except the neutral .

    yes i found it alreeady
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 26, 2023
    The*Defiant likes this.
  19. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy The_Perseph0ne!

    Please point out where does it state (in faq) that the design is given from a quest within the second phase?

    For you information the new PvP quests are also part of the second phase...

    Ahoy $_Νéɱéşïş_$¦Є¦!

    Yes within the shop.

    Very simple... because you must do 1st phase quest line (full) 2nd phase quest line (full) PvP quest line (full)...

    Ahoy $_Νéɱéşïş_$¦Є¦!

    Take a look at "Condition(s)" - you need 7 Cursed Skulls in order to accept this quest

    Cursed Skulls can be obtained from Golems within the event group map.

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