Ways no answer to the question

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by ⊕℘εঊξιξεπε⊕, Jan 11, 2025.

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  1. ⊕℘εঊξιξεπε⊕

    ⊕℘εঊξιξεπε⊕ Forum Greenhorn

    That's the way a game works take advantage of players, lie, cheat and steal... First, why is the price for event chest changed.. second all event chest are empty... You receive nothing from them.. so what game are we playing at now? There is no announcement of any changes in cost or errors with chest... Nice way to take advantage of players that work hard to make pearls and then create false hopes and empty chest on the water... If you are going to respond in a matter that does not corespond to this question..do not reply.. because it is. It helpful, it is not the policy of seafight and does not exist any updates or announcement.. thanks for no information to my previous question
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy ⊕℘εঊξιξεπε⊕!

    1. The key price has been set by GD - they decided to change them, even after such change it is not to costly to be honest with you.
    2. Event chests are not empty, since past two years you are required to own event points to gather loot from NPCs / Chests / Shipwrecks etc. (depends on event) this mechanic will stay with us... so do a quest and then start collecting your stuff
    3. Why would you like to have announcement on event key price changes? These are changing on every event (and will continue to change in the future). These items should not be left on your account after the event ends anyway
    Does that answer your query?

  3. DIAL~911

    DIAL~911 Someday Author

    Ha ha ha just more thievery...
  4. TheJudge

    TheJudge Forum Greenhorn

    i have to agree, i have collected a few event chest .. it takes the key and the chest disappears but in log book you recieve nothing...it is a glitch.. this is not atlantis it is the normal ship water..
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Pirates, that your for your feedback if you have any further questions regarding the event please use the correct forum section.

    Winter Thaw - discussion thread


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