Bug Why?

Discussion in 'Help' started by RustedBolt1, Dec 19, 2023.

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  1. RustedBolt1

    RustedBolt1 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, I know you guys don't care but how are you guys able to get new members when this game is so mess up in so many ways. I had 9 days of protection when i log off yesterday came back today so i can try and hit level 10 but got sink in 7 map, i didn't see my 9 day protection on but i thought it was a visual bug. I never shot any ship to break my protection. but can ban from chat cause i said the F word and the S word so fast cause i was expressing how i felt.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy RustedBolt1!

    Please be aware that Newbie protection last only till level 7, once level 7 is reached it goes off, you can read more here ->

    Regarding your chat ban, if you would like to make a complaint you could create a new thread in Chat section where our SCMs will review your complaint or contact Support.

  3. RustedBolt1

    RustedBolt1 Forum Greenhorn

    but why, that should still stay on for the simple fact you got people who been playing since day one. i started two days ago and don't know nothing about the game. how does this help new people? it should be noob friendly does it look like i can fight against people who been playing since day one of this game?
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    This is the way Seafight was designed, we will forward your feedback onto the appropriate party.

  5. RustedBolt1

    RustedBolt1 Forum Greenhorn

    okay, thank you! ill be leaving the game. it was fun while it lasted. I am RustedBolt i play back in 2015 but cant get my boat back cause i forgot my login and all. wish i knew it then i wouldnt be complanting cause that ship i spent a lot of money on. not trying to spend a lot of money again. fair well seafight!
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy RustedBolt1!

    Before you abandon all hope I personally recommend you to try our Hybrid Server or PvE one, you can still have fun there.

    Happy Sailing Pirate!

  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since there is no further response I will close this thread.


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