
Discussion in 'Help' started by KeeLHuLL™, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. KeeLHuLL™

    KeeLHuLL™ Forum Pro


    Was wondering why going through so many windstorms, seems it is ufing them even when in range have lost over 2,000 this way. You shoot takes windstorms turn them off and still shooting boat not using them way to go BP.
  2. Scallywag

    Scallywag Board Analyst

    Hi there,

    I understand what you are saying, and they do seem to be used when in range but at a distance ie: not quite out of range. So can you please check when you don't need to use them and make sure they are off. I will also pass this on to be looked into.
  3. KeeLHuLL™

    KeeLHuLL™ Forum Pro

    I have gone tru 2k books now leaving off, range 5 sq. and not using but if turn on it will take them
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014

    GPMONSTER Forum Veteran

    keel it does 5 sg and u will use books take them off and you can still hit npc something isint right
  5. Scallywag

    Scallywag Board Analyst

    Hi there,

    As I have already stated, I have reported this and if you only use them as needed and remember to turn them off you shouldn't have anymore problems. As there is nothing more that can be done here, I will close.

    ~ Closed ~
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