Feedback Winter Thaw: Ragnarök

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Rymar, Jan 8, 2025.

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  1. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Patchday notes say they have reduced the requirement by a day, so NOW I can complete it.

    All I can say is that it showed (at the time I first posted) that I had 2/9 to go and the event timer said 6 days left in the event.
  2. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    This has been adjusted to leave some room for some who may not be online since day 1 of the event.

    Previous login task could be also completed (9 logins), the last one you'd do on 21st after 1 am.

  3. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Now that we've had the second phase quests, it has become obvious that the only way to get enough event points to complete this event is to spend hours and hours just sinking the Green Saint and Ice Pearls. All 6 daily quests only get 8250 points a day, so there is no way to complete with them. There was an event in the not to long ago past where they had to adjust the target for event points. Can I suggest that they adjust this one too? I would say down to 200k at least.
    Dream~Crusher likes this.
  4. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Bawdyn!

    I will forward your feedback, however it is unlikely that we will see any further changes within this event.

    Some event Completion can't be done by just doing the event quests on daily basis and require a bit of work from the player.

  5. PearlJammer

    PearlJammer Forum Apprentice

    300k event points is rather excessive if you don't play 8+hours daily isn't it?
    Bawdyn likes this.
  6. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy PearlJammer!

    You can obtain 6 000 event points per Ice Pearl / Green Saint plus more than that from the daily quests.

    There is 1 Ice Pearl and 1 Green Saint in every map - respawn is also quite quick, so it is possible to be completed without playing 8h+ per day.

  7. fisken007

    fisken007 Forum Greenhorn

    Whenever i go to Vovoi and want to sink jack hawk, he is not there? i tried once in the beginning of the event and got sink but now i can't find him. I have cancelled te quest and waited 5-10 mins and tried again after i accepted the quest. what should i do?
  8. PearlJammer

    PearlJammer Forum Apprentice

    They're 800k & 600k respectively and there's also the cost of ice ammunition. It still will take quite some time to shoot these in larger numbers if you're not solidly hitting high numbers or have backup from a guild. If you don't have a hard hitting ship, it's a pretty horrendous expedition for a mere handful of thunder cannons. Don't want to be negative, but it could have been balanced better.
  9. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy fisken007!

    Please cancel your quest, wait few minutes and do a full log out.

    This should resolve your issue.

    In case that do not help please contact Support.

    Ahoy PearlJammer!

    During this event NPCs like Ice Pearl or Green Saint do not require any sort of protection - this mean that no matter how much dodge chance or damage prevention you've got the damage received by you will be the same.

    So you could turn on an aura + full set of lanterns (or any lanterns you've got) to increase your damage.

    Not every bit of the game is designed to be completed by everyone or alone - but that doesn't mean you should give up.

    You need to ask yourself a simple question: Are these items from event completion important to me to the point where I want to spend my resources? (pearls, crowns crystals ect.) If No, then you don't have to worry about it. If Yes, then do your best (-:

    Good luck pirate!

  10. Dream~Crusher

    Dream~Crusher Forum Connoisseur

    That is very silly logic to say that. In fact, there is no logic behind it. Why offer "event completion" rewards that are so difficult to obtain that the players are totally lost and give up? Why aren't players told all of the quests (and also tell us their respective event points) at the start of the event, like we used to have? Yes, I know: Bigpoint uses "volunteers", and if we want those things, then volunteer our time to help. Help a "for-profit" company with my free time? Ha-ha-ha, how about "no"? How about just quitting and let the game die? That is the choice many players have made. And this is one reason why. At least this event is following in line with recent others, in the requirements - and what is needed to complete them - being vastly different. No player that faithfully does all of the quests, should face the last day of an event, see they are several thousand points short of the target, and be forced to spend several hours (that they may not have) shooting huge npcs to try to get there. That isn't a cute "secret players need to discover". That is very poor game management. Plus, it is quite deceitful to have designed these big event npcs to where we lose hit points off of our regular base when we have a lot of voodoo shield left, and we cannot use any items (like super armor, bulwarks, etc.) to compensate. That is why these new items (blood pact and voodoo pact) were introduced. So we have to buy them and use them, if we are crazy enough to be caught where we need to **try to** solo these things, in order to reach the "event completion" target. You are forcing players to band with others to have a chance to sink one of these. Not everyone can play with that luxury on the final day of an event.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2025
  11. PearlJammer

    PearlJammer Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for the tips Rymar, but a simple ROI calculation made this event a no brainer for me: not worth my time. I've played on a daily base for most of the event, did the quests and other stuff, but I'm not gonna waste more time to chase 300k event points. It's ridiculous, especially in regards to the rewards for finishing 100%.
  12. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy PearlJammer!

    Thank you for your feedback, and good luck with the next event completion.

    BouH{BG} likes this.