
Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Seren, Feb 24, 2018.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    Ye reckon a ship design strikes fears into yer enemies? Equip a pet 'n they will quiver in thar boots!

    Just like Ship Designs, pets can be equipped with Gems, boosting their stats and giving you an edge over your enemies!

    Trainers can also be equipped on your pet, while active these shall provide you with additional bonuses, to find out what these are please visit the
    Crew Members bible entry.

    To learn how to equip you Pets and Trainers onto your Presets, view the
    Pet and Pet Trainer Activation post.

    Pet List

    Due to the large amount of pets we have, we have split the pets up into sections which can be found by clicking the appropriate link below for your

    .A. .B. .C.

    .D. .E. .F.

    .G. .H. .I.

    .J. .K. .L.

    .M. .N. .O.

    .P. .Q. .R.

    .S. .T. .U.

    .V. .W. .X.

    .Y. .Z.

    You have two different ways to change your pet; removing and adding a new pet or by switching to a different preset.

    Note: You can only change your pets/presets while you are not being damaged.

  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight



    Aeroctopoda was a gift to celebrate Seafight's 6th birthday. It's an improbable miracle of evolution that this octopus feels most at home above the water.

    This pet comes with no pre-socketed gems.

    Affectionate Anniversary Gift


    Unlike its pesky cousins, this cute Anniversary Gift is a genuine joy to have around your ship!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Imbued Fluorite (16.5% Damage Prevention)
    2nd Gem: Perfect Chalcedony (7.5% Cannon Damage)​



    Alatus is the offspring of the fabled Pegasus. He is as majestic as he is proud so he will follow only those ones who prove worthy.

    Special Gem: Amazonite
    1st Gem: 16.5% Damage Prevention
    2nd Gem: 18% Hit Probability



    Any pirate should count himself lucky to secure as majestic an avian companion as Aquila; like all Spiny Red-Crested Deathbirds, he's a well-known symbol of power and victory.

    This pet comes with no pre-socketed gems.



    The flying octopus is the bane of freebooters everywhere - keeping one as a pet is a sure way to impress your friends and win the respect of your foes.

    This pet comes with no pre-socketed gems.
  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    For pirates who want to tap the occult powers of the underworld for their own means, Bacalou will harness the energy of the undead to further your plans.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Shining Corundum (35.000 VP)
    2nd Gem: -



    Infinitely patient, Bartholomew has graced mizzenmasts and temple rooftops alike in many realms during his long life.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Impure Fluorite (10.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Scoured Lepidolite (5.25% Hit Probability)



    Banished by the cold-hearted gods of the North, Bjorgold will travel with you for as long as you help him add to his growing collection of skulls.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Fluorite (25.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Scoured Kunzite (5.25% Dodge Chance)

    Black Dragon

    Black Dragon.jpg

    This black beauty of a dragon will be your fierce and loyal companion through thick and thin.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Fluorite (25.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: -

    Bronze dragon

    Bronze dragon.jpg

    To celebrate Seafight's 5th birthday, this brave bronze dragon was gifted to pirates who registered between the 18th of March, 2008, and the 17th of March, 2010.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Fluorite (25.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: -



    Don't let Brutus' nasty appearance put you off! He may look grotesque, but he's a powerful ally; any pirate would be smart to entice him aboard.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Irregular Fluorite (15.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Cut Lolite (5.5% Critical Damage)
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    Cerberus Pup

    Cerberus pup.jpg

    The Cerberus Pup is a tenacious hound who escaped the underworld to join its new captain. Now it brings a whole new concept to the phrase loyal companion.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Immaculate Chalcedony (4.5% Cannon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Immaculate Sugilite (11.25% Damage Prevention)

    Captivating Casket

    Captivating Chest.png

    Brag about your wealth with the Caprivating Casket. As pirates from far and wide will cover such a golden treasure.

    Special: -

    1st Gem: Imbued Sugilite (21% Damage Prevention)
    2nd Gem: Perfect Chalcedony (7.5% Damage)

    Chthonian Engine

    Chthonian Engine.jpg

    From the frenetic mind of Barnacle Ballard comes the Chthonian Engine. An infernal force driving the flying machine towards its owner’s location. The true power of Ballard’s science is unleashed upon you, aiding you in adventure.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Polished Corundum (40,000 Voodoo Points)
    2nd Gem: Polished Flurite (40,000 Hitpoints)

    Charybdis Hatchling

    czerwony hyrabid.png

    While her sister Scylla takes on biting-off-heads-duty, little Charybdis concentrates on different limbs. Leave a bloody trail behind your ship with this adorable horror!

    Special: -

    1st Gem: Enchanted Sugilite (22.5% Damage Prevention)

    Cicero the Centaur

    Cicero the Centaur.jpg

    If there’s one thing Cicero knows, it’s history. A seeming mountain of knowledge, proven by his ability to use his knowledge to aid you on the Thirteen Oceans!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Twinkling Corundum (42,500 Voodoo Points)
    2nd Gem: Sparkling Amethyst (9.5% Critical Chance)



    With Congrar sliding through the salty waters beside you, enemies will give a wide berth and, if they foolishly attack, this mighty eel can thrash its vicious tail and tear them apart with its wanton maw.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Iolite (5.5 % Critical Damage)
    2nd Gem: Cut Amethyst (5.5% Critical Hit Chance)

    Crimson Hydra

    Crimson Hydra.jpg

    Five heads are better than one? This Hydra cetainly seems to think so! Just remember to feed all of them!

    Special Gem: -

    1st Gem: Impeccable Amethyst (13.5% Critical Chance)
    2nd Gem: Impeccable Fluorite (65.000 Hitpoints)

    Crimson Ivory 13

    Crimson 13.png

    Part modern art, part vicious pet, this specimen makes even its creators scratch their heads in confusion. It's an odd one for sure!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Enchanted Flurite (75.000 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: Luminous Sugilite (21.75% Damage Prevention)



    Cranky Crustor first terrorized the seven seas on Seafight's 6th birthday. Even the most skilled pirates needed a helping hand from Lady Luck to capture this armored crustacean.
    This pet comes with no pre-socketed gems.

    Cunning Bats

    Cunning Bats.jpg

    This group of bats has been trained by the Gisnu, following their captain loyally as you sail across the thirteen oceans seeking your next victory.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Multifaceted Ametrine (19% Harpoon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Multifaceted Kunzite (14.25% Dodge)
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    Dazzling Kite

    Dazzling Kite.png

    Dazzle your enemies, or you friends, with your very own Fenghuand kite!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Flawless Chalcedony (7% Cannon damage)
    2nd Gem: Flawless Charoite (12.5% Boarding bonus)



    The greedy, slippery, hissing electric eel Deimos is supercharged! Deliver an electrifying blow to your enemies with her at your side.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Cut Corundum (25,000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Scoured Kunzite (5.25% Dodge Chance)



    A ferocious friend and a great supporter? It's Dinoball! He is the perfect companion and will always cheer for your victory!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Flawless Fluorite (62.500 HP)
    2nd Gem: Flawless Kunzite (18.75% Dodge Chance)

    Doctor Sawbones

    Doctor Sawbones.jpg

    When Doctor Sawbones follows in your wake, even your friends will be distressed by his appearance. His grim visage haunts the dreams of all you encounter, bringing the fear of a new contagion.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Cut Kunzite (7.5% Dodge Chance)
    2nd Gem: Cut Lepidolite (7.5% Hit Probability)



    The final journey of the damned! Revel as your foes quake in their boots on sight of this pitch-black carriage. Emerge out of the darkness like an emissary of hell itself!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Shining Kunzite (10.5% Dodge Chance)
    2nd Gem: Shining Lepidolite (10.5% Hit Probability)

    Driftwood Twelve

    Driftwood twevle.png

    Beneath its makeshift shell beats the powerful heart of a loyal pet. Hear it roar!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Shining Kunzite (10.5% Dodge Chance)
    2nd Gem: Shining Lepidolite (10.5% Hit Probability)

    Dragon Pal


    This teensy-tiny dragon seems to suffer from some growing pains and will never get bigger, so it's perfect as a pet!

    Demon Spawn


    You don't know where it came from. Suddenly it was there, looking like a lost puppy. A lost puppy with glowing eyes and bloody claws. Perfect!

    Death Dance Diva


    Who doesn't want to be reminded of the arrival of the Ahkiyyini. Now you can have this dancing diva along with you on your travels across Nautica!
  6. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    A child of the great stag of myth. Eikthyrnir, glistens with mythical energies and is a fine pet to have on your travels. Fed from the leaves of the mythical tree, Yggdrasil, this mighty beast is truly suited to follow the most outstanding captains, as they adventure to new horizons.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Flurite (25.000 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: Cut Lepidolite (7.5% Hit Probability)



    As unstoppable and dangerous as the ice rivers from which she takes her name, Elivagar the glacier owl will swoop silently down on her unsuspecting prey.

    Special: Smithsonite
    1st Gem: Immaculate Kunzite (11.25% Dodge)
    2nd Gem: Shining Flurite (35.000 Hitpoints)

    Emerald Basilisk

    Emerald Basilisk.jpg

    The emerald basilisk is said to have descended from the creatures of myth. A loyal companion to any captain it follows its masters ship through the most dangerous regions without question.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Chiseled Flurite (27.500 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: Chiseled Sugilite (8.25% Damage Prevention)

    Emerald dragon

    Emerald dragon.jpg

    A new favorite for any freebooter who wants to start acquiring a hoard of their very own. The Emerald Dragon is a fearsome ally indeed!

    Special: Turquoise
    1st Gem: Cut Corundum (25.000 Voodoo Points)
    2nd Gem: -

    Enchanted Shamshir


    This enchanted sword is one companion that will never be afraid to slice through your enemies! It’s better not to ask what magic animates it.

    Special: -
    1st Gem:
    Flawless Lepidolite (18.75% Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Flawless Iolite (13% Critical Damage)

    Enkir Wanderer

    Enkir Wanderer.jpg

    Do you have the feeling that something is fishy? Don't worry! With the Enkir Wanderer by your side, you will never feel like a fish out of water!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Multifaceted Chalcedony (5.5% Cannon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Multifaceted Kunzite (14.25% Dodge Chance)



    Mysterious and dangerous creatures, Eredun and his brethren have long been considered to wear the face of evil. A theory the house of Gisnu can neither confirm nor deny! All things considered, Eredun still makes for a nice travel companion.

    Special: Variscite
    1st Gem: Dazzling Amethyst (12.5% Critical Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Dazzling Sugilite (18% Damage Prevention)

    Eye of Forever

    Eye of Forever.jpg

    A bold escapee from one of the gateways in the Map of Forever, the Eye of Forever becomes immediately attached to the captain it first meets!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Immaculate Chalcedony (4.5% Cannon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Immaculate Iolite (8% Critical Damage)

    Eye of Hatred

    Eye of Hatred.jpg

    From the abyssal Depth of Forever the Eye of Hatred glares at your enemies. This demonic entity will strike fear into your opponents’ hearts!

    Special: Jelly Opal
    1st Gem: Flawless Amethyst (13% Critical Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Dazzling Sugilite (18% Damage Prevention)
  7. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    Don't be fooled by his look! Fangtooth is the most loyal and friendly companion every captain could wish for. Be careful around his mouth, though. A famed pirate might have lost his hand like that before.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Dazzling Charoite (12% Boarding bonus)
    2nd Gem: Dazzling Lepidolite (18% Hit probability)

    Fenris Pup

    Fenris Pup.jpg

    This little ball of fur has far more bite than its bark and is loyal companion until the end of the world. As well as being a fine mascot for your ship!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Immaculate Lolite (8% Critical Damage)
    2nd Gem: Immaculate Amethyst (8% Critical Hit Probability)



    Red as fire, hot as lava, fierce as the sun: when this dragon unfurls its wings, the sea itself may be set aflame.

    Special Gem: Turquoise
    1st Gem: Cut Fluorite (25.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: -

    Floating Paradise

    Floating Paradise.jpg

    In need of a little escapism? Then look no further than your very own inflatable Floating Paradise! You'll be able to take it with you everywhere you go.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Unblemished Fluorite (55.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Unblemished Corundum (55.000 VP)



    The reasons behind Floatsam's decision to follow you remain unclear. Maybe curiosity, or maybe it's looking for Jetsam? One thing is certain though; no quick dips in the ocean while the creature is around!

    Special Gem: Chrysocolla
    1st Gem: Flawless Lepidolite (18.75% Hit probability)
    2nd Gem: Flawles Kunzite (18.75% Dodge Chance)

    Flying Fish

    Flying Fish.jpg

    The brilliant colors of the Flying Fish bolster your crew and dazzle your foes as it follows your vessel. It is said they bond for life, so expect it to remain as long as you wish it.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Immaculate Chalcedony (4.5% Cannon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Immaculate Ametrine (15% Harpoon Damage)

    Frost Gnome


    Don't let the size of the miniaturized version of the frost giant Jotun fool you - this companion is as cool as ice!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Perfect Chalcedony (7.5% Cannon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Impeccable Sugilite (19.5% Damage Prevention)
  8. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    Starting off his career as a doorman, George quickly made his way and now serves as a full-time bodyguard for the rich and famous!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Unblemished Sugilite (16.5% Damage prevention)
    2nd Gem: Unblemished Kunzite ( 16.5% Dodge chance)

    Ghost Bride

    Ghost Bride.jpg

    If you think the fury of a woman scorned is to be feared, you've never faced the wrath of a bride who's had to go through planning an entire wedding only to be killed before she could enjoy her marriage!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Shining Kunzite (10.5% Dodge Chance)
    2nd Gem: Cut Lolite (5.5% Critical Damage)

    Ghost Queen


    Is this the Crystal Queen? She is dead and scary!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Perfect Chalcedony (7% Cannon damage)
    2nd Gem: Impeccable Charoite (13% Boarding bonus)

    Glorious Manatee

    Glorious Manatee.jpg

    Ever dreamed of scouring the high seas alongside your own Drakir commander riding its Glorious Manatee? Well dream no more for it has now become reality!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Multifaceted Amethyst (10% Critical hit probability)
    2nd Gem: Multifaceted Sugilite (14.25% Damage Prevention)

    Gnawing Coffer

    Gnawing Coffer.jpg

    Be careful what you wish for this year's winter feast! More than one curious adventurer lost his fingers to this dark chest of wonders!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Refined Lilite (10.5% Critical Damage)
    2nd Gem: Refined Amethyst (10.5% Critical Hit probability)

    Gold dragon

    Gold dragon.jpg

    To celebrate Seafight's 5th birthday, this glinting gold dragon was gifted to pirates who registered between the 18th of March, 2006, and the 17th of March, 2007.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Fluorite (25.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: -

    Golden Manticore


    More affectionate than other Manticores, this excellent creature is as rare as an honest pirate captain.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Perfect Fluorite (67.500 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: Impeccable Kunzite (19.5% Dodge Chance)



    Release the Kraken! Tougher than he looks, Grabby's tentacular technique could teach your crew a lot about never letting go of something you want.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Impure Flurite (10.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Cut Charoite (5% Boarding Bonus)

    Grey Gobbler

    Grey Gobler.jpg

    Careful not to lose a finger! The Grey Gobbler is not a picky eater and likes all sorts of delicious treats!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Dazzling Corundum (60.000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Flawless Ametrine (25% Harpoon damage)

    Grygor the Golem

    Grygor the Golem.jpg

    Unlike the great golems which are ravaging the oceans, Grygor is totally devoted for his master or mistress, following them through thick and thin and helping when he can.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Twinkling Flurite (42.500 HP)
    2nd Gem: Twinkling Sugilite (12.75% Damage Prevention)

    Guardian Shi

    Guardian Shi.jpg

    Impassive, strong and rugged. The Guardian Shi is a symbol of the Imperial Gudai. A coveted companion who rides in the wake of the captain who summons it. It’s very essence, part of the mysterious east!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Chiseled Flurite (27.500 HP)
    2nd Gem: Chiseled Kunzite (8.25% Dodge)

    Golden Winger


    With speed, skill, and trickery, the Golden Winger is an invaluable companion for every soccer aficionado!
  9. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    This armored griffin's pride is prickly, but if you appropriately appreciate and praise him, he'll be delighted to turn your foes into feasts!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Cut Fluorite (25.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Shining Lepidolite (10.5% Hit Probability)

    Hammer of Niflheim


    This animated hammer holds souls of the damned. With them at your beck and call, use them to lay low your enemies. Or drive nails into wood.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Impeccable Fluorite (65.000 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: Perfect Iolite (14% Critical Damage)



    This depressed reptilian airsac hatched on Seafight's 6th birthday, but only those able to keep it aboard long enough for it to grow resigned to its new home were able to score one.
    This pet comes with no pre-socketed gems.



    You may not have Poseidon's chariot, but now you can have a small relative of one of his fearless Hippocampi to lend you some of its ferocity.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Irregular Corundum (15.000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Cut Lepidolite (7.5% Hit Probability)



    Hrimthursar is a mighty pet, the offspring of the rime giants of yore. He follows as you navigate your vessel across the dangerous oceans, ready to aid you when in trouble. His icy appearance proof that your vessel is not to be provoked.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Cut Corundum (25.000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Cut Chalcedony (3.25% Cannon Damage)

    Hell's Brew


    The perfect companion for a pirate life at sea – smells like fire and brimstone and burns like piping hot grog!
  10. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    Ice Maiden

    Ice Maiden.png

    An animated simulacrum of the Ice Queen, miniaturised and given a less destructive personality.

    Special: -
    1st Gem:
    Perfect Amethyst (14% Critical hit probability)
    2nd Gem: Impeccable Chalcedony (7.25% Cannon damage)



    Single-minded (or he would be, had he much of a mind left), relentless, and nigh-unstoppable, Immortur will pursue whatever quarry his master sets him on even from beyond the tomb.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Immaculate Fluorite (37,500 HP)
    2nd Gem: Shining Kunzite (10.5% Dodge Chance)



    The toughest tortoise on the high seas, it’s Ironclad! She will make for a loyal and stalwart companion.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Flawless Iolite (13% Critical Damage)
    2nd Gem: Flawless Lepidolite (18.75% Hit Probability)

    Ironclad XI


    It just wants to play... as if! This mean pet eats your enemies for breakfast. Such a good boy!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Impeccable Kunzite (19.5% Dodge Chance)
    2nd Gem: Perfect Lepidolite (20.25% Hit probability)
  11. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    Little Jötnar may not be quite as big or fierce as his full-sized trollish brethren. But he's twice as cantankerous, and three times as sneaky!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Corundum (25.000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Immaculate Kunzite (11.25% Dodge Chance)
  12. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    Take the Pirate Cup everywhere you go with Kicker! it's a trustworthy companion that will always play for your side.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Flawless Amethyst (13% Critical Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Impeccable Fluorite (65.000 Hitpoints)
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 18, 2019
  13. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    If you're going to personally anger a high-level Voodoo priest, it's probably best not to loudly espouse the motto of 'an eye for an eye', or you may end up like Lenticula's original... donor.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Clear Corundum (20.000 VP)
    2nd Gem: -

    Little Crowleys

    Little Crowleys.png

    Are you feeling lonely or missing the caws of joyful murder of crows? Then bring the Little Crowleys along with you!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Flawless Iolite (13% Critical damage)
    2nd Gem: Impeccable Amethyst (13.5% Critical hit probability)

    Lady Candle


    A fiery addition to your Lord Candle pet. Who knows, maybe a brood of little burning baby skulls will follow your ship soon!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Impeccable Chalcedony (27% Critical Damage)
    2nd Gem: Perfect Charoite (26% Cannon Damage)

    Lord Candle


    The only thing this pygmy lord will be burning is a campfire.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Impeccable Corundum (65.000 Voodoo points)
    2nd Gem: Perfect Chalcedony (7.5% Cannon damage)



    What is finer than having the wolf at your side and accepting this pet into your family. Loyal and dedicated to aid you, the wolf is an ally you’ll never forget.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Multifaceted Amethyst (10% Critical Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Multifaceted Lolite (10% Critical Damage)



    A fish who always wanted to be a ball - just the pet for all football-mad pirates, but it was only awarded to those who correctly guessed the overall champion of the Euros.
    This pet comes with no pre-socketed gems.
  14. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    Malibu the Manticore


    During a meteor shower, Malibu was doused with cosmic radiation which gave his wings a rainbow hue, as he follows her favorite captain across the seas!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Brilliant Charoite (11.5% Boarding Bonus)
    2nd Gem: Unblemished Sugilite (16.5% Damage Prevention)



    Cutting through the waves like a knife, Mannie the Manatee appears to be a gentle and noble friend but will round on your opponents with a harsh ferocity. Watch your enemies sneers turn to fears, as Mannie brings his full weight into action, smashing them to smithereens.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Smooth Fluorite (30.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Smooth Corundum (30.000 VP)



    This fierce creature has never been tamed before ... for a reason! The continuous efforts and many sacrifices of the Vovoi made it possible to capture and eventually domesticate this most powerful ally!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Sparkling Chalcedony (5.25% Cannon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Multifaceted Corundum (47.500 Voodoo Points)



    Pirates aligned with Gaia have coaxed this gorgeous creature out from her home in the high canopies of her most protected forests. Welcome the fierce, floral, dragonfly-winged pegasus Melia aboard!

    Special: Smithsonite
    1st Gem: Shining Lepidolite (10.5% Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: -

    Merry Manatee

    Merry Manatee.jpg

    Are you feeling a little ocean blue captain? Then join forces with the Merry Manatee! He'll always know how to make you feel right at home with the fhishes.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Flawless Charoite (12.5% Boarding bonus)
    2nd Gem: Flawless Lepidolite (18.75% Hit probability)

    Midas Skull


    The ancient king Midas whished for everything he touched to turn to gold. But who's skull is this?...

    Special: -

    1st Gem: Impeccable Chalcedony (7% Cannon damage)
    2nd Gem: Perfect Corundum (67.500 Voodoo points)

    Mini Leviathan


    It seems not all machines made by Atlantis wants to destroy you. This little robot looks quite happy to follow you around, for now at least.
    Special: -
    1st Gem: Dazzling Sugilite (18% Damage prevention)
    2nd Gem: Dazzling Kunzite (18% Dodge chance)

    Minos Eel

    Minos Eel.jpg

    The Minos Eel combines the fluid movement of the giant eels that lurk in the waters of Nautica, with the power of the Minotaur itself. A fearsome pet to aid you as you navigate the dangerous waters, seeking new adventures.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Chiseled Ametrine (11% Harpoon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Chiseled Fluorite (27.500 HP)



    A noble creature, fierce as a lion and just as merciless. It's said that to pass under its shadow is to court pain.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Impure Corundum (10.000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Scoured Kunzite (5.25% Dodge Chance)



    A very king among predators, fierce as a lion and twice as merciless. It's said that to pass under its shadow is to court death.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Immaculate Corundum (37.500 VP)
    2nd Gem: Shining Kunzite (10.5% Dodge Chance)



    Spark Eels are distant, miniaturized relatives of the gigantic Thyella Eels. They hunt in packs by floating just below the surface, camouflaging themselves among driftwood and other jetsam.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Shining Lepidolite (10.5% Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Cut Lolite (5.5% Critical Damage)



    For a creature which usually lives in the darkest parts of the Ocean, Mouth makes for a nice travel companion and one much nicer than his brethren. Although avoiding areas to close to the mouth while petting him seems like a good idea.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Multifaceted Ametrine (19% Harpoon damage)
    2nd Gem: Multifaceted Corundum (47.500 VP)

    Mr. Cotton

    Mr. Cotton.jpg

    Nothing ever stays a secret from Mr. Cotton for long - he sees through everyone... and he's a bit of a blabbermouth.

    Special: Apatite
    1st Gem: Polished Fluorite (40.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Twinkling Corundum (42.500 VP)



    You'll be as cunning as one of Odin's ravens when you have Munin's shadow falling on your decks. Be careful, though, as he can be as tricky as memory itself.

    Special: Zircon
    1st Gem: Immaculate Lepidolite (11.25% Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Cut Fluorite (25.000 HP)
  15. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    Call forth the power of water! The Naiad is a water nymph of great renown who has left her freshwater spring to join you in battle. She’ll arise from the waves to fight by your side, using her lash of water to smash your foes to pieces.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Pure Flurite (22.500 HP)
    2nd Gem: Pure Corundum (22.500 HP)



    This giant hunting hawk’s screech will cause your enemies to tremble, even before it swoops down from the sky to tear strips from them with its vicious beak. No one can escape Nazzadar’s gaze.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Lepidolite (7.5% Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Cut Amethyst (5.5% Critical Hit Chance)



    Have you ever wanted your own Viking water spirit? Then Nokken is the perfect companion! This mischievous, but fierce, creature will make all your adventures jolly!

    Special: Amazonite
    1st Gem: Flawless Chalcedony (7% Cannon damage)
    2nd Gem: Flawless Iolite (13% Critical damage)
  16. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    Command the power of the mighty Oak! This huge floating plant elemental is an unstoppable force and is ready to fight at your side. With his long strong roots and branches, he'll grasp your enemies and drag them down to the depths!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Fluorite (25.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Cut Chalcedony (3.25% Cannon Damage)



    Having chased Odysseus for quite some time, seeking vengeance for his big cousin Polyphemus, little Oculus got... slightly lost. But now you've found him! As your pet, he may lend you a little bit of the famed Cyclopean toughness and ferocity.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Irregular Fluorite (15.000 HP)
    2nd Gem: Cut Lepidolite (7.5% Hit Probability)



    Supporters of Ouranos will be glad to welcome one of his favored beasts aboard - though be careful not to set up the lave-beetle Opoc's pen anywhere too close to anything flammable!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Lepidolite (7.5% Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Cut Lolite (5.5% Critical Damage)



    When Ballard saw the pets, others were using to aid them he decided to invent one of his own. Taking all the aspects of a living pet but combining this with his brilliant scientific mind. Creating the Ornithopter which will follow you to the edge of the world!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Shining Lepidolite (10.5% Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Immaculate Corundum (37.500 Voodoo Points)
  17. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    P'xol the Elder Kraken

    P'xol the Elder Kraken.jpg

    Until now only few pirates knew of his existence. When P'xol was found, his tentacles were completely covered in blood and salt - quite strange if you think about it...

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Sparkling Flurite (45.000 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: Sparkling Chalcedony (5.25% Cannon damage)

    Phantom dragon

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    An exclusive offering for Seafight's most loyal players, the elusive Phantom Dragon is half status symbol and half invaluable helper. Are you lucky enough to have this terrifying translucent ally on your side?

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Smooth Corundum (30,000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Smooth Fluorite (30,000 HP)



    Slithery and sinister as the very embodiment of fear itself, Phobos has a snarl as deadly as a lightning bolt.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Smooth Corundum (30,000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Immaculate Kunzite (11.25% Dodge Chance)



    Part seahorse, part dragon, and entirely deadly, Pricklesnout's tail is tipped with a sharp scythe. Nothing that traverses the seven seas takes getting on the bad side of Poseidon's most deadly weapon lightly.
    This pet comes with no pre-socketed gems.



    A belligerent, aggressive narwhal, Pyke was tired of not being taken seriously, so she got her merman friend to forge her some tough magic armor. Now she's ready and eager to fight at your side!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Smooth Corundum (30,000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Immaculate Ametrine (15% Harpoon Damage)



    Pyralis is a fire elemental. Once a hoplite warrior of renown, he was granted igneous power and immortality by Ouranos, and now he will fight for you! Call him forth to smash your enemies with his flaming fist, leaving them as nothing but smoking embers.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Cut Amethyst (5.5% Critical Hit Chance)
    2nd Gem: Cut Lolite (5.5% Critical Damage)



    A devilish fish, the perfect loyal companion for nefarious corsairs with bloodthirsty plans.

    Special Gem: Zircon
    1st Gem: -
    2nd Gem: -
  18. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight




    The mythical chimera, Qilin, hails from the Eastern Seas. Entwined with the magic of the Gudai and steeped in ancient mystery. A sign of good fortune and prosperity for the captain it follows.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Smooth Lepidolite (9% Hit Chance)
    2nd Gem: Smooth Chalcedony (3.75% Cannon Damage)
  19. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight



    Towarzysz Ratnarok.jpg

    The ultimate etheral reincarnation of all rodents. The only survivor after the downfall of Rathalla. The cheese is a lie.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Refined Lolite (10.5% Critical Damage)
    2nd Gem: Refined Amethyst (10.5% Critical hit probability)

    Rotten Tooth

    Rotten Tooth.jpg

    Its leathery skin mottled with mold and more unspeakable stains, this diabolical alligator was once a bayou thief's faithful companion. His old master fell afoul of a voodoo priestess' curse, so this snap-jawed beast is ready to serve a new one!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Clear Corundum (20,000 VP)
    2nd Gem: Shining Lepidolite (10.5% Hit Probability)



    A devoted pet and companion, Roy the Stingray will remain by y
    our ship’s side and ensure that your enemies have a truly shocking time!

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem: Shining Kunzite (10.5% Dodge Chance)
    2nd Gem: Shining Sugilite (10.5% Damage Prevention)
  20. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    Sapphire Dragon

    Sapphire Dragon.jpg

    For majesty on the wing, look no further than the Pirate King's favorite pet. By flying alongside your ship, the regal Sapphire Dragon adds a touch of class to any plundering expedition.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Corundum (25,000 Voodoo Points)
    2nd Gem: -

    Salty Siren


    Keep an aspect of the saltwater goddess close to your heart, with this diminutive version of her figure.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Imbued Ametrine (28% Harpoon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Perfect Kunzite (20.25% Dodge Chance)

    Scary Scarecrow

    Scary Scarecrow.png

    A reminder of past adventures, and a perfect way to repel unwanted guests? It's the scary ScareCrow!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Flawless Lepidolite (18.75% Hit probability)
    2nd Gem: Flawless Fluorite (62.500 Hitpoints)

    Scylla Hatchling

    niebieski chyrabit.png

    Deadly and adorable, little Scylla learned from an early age how to bite off heads. Feed her properly and you’ll have a loyal pet forever!

    Special: -

    1st Gem: Enchanted Sugilite (22.5% Damage Prevention)

    Sea Bunny

    Sea Bunny.jpg

    Sooo cute! It's a bunny, but in the sea.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Multifaceted Amethyst (10% Critical Hit chance)
    2nd Gem: Multifaceted Corundum (47,500 Voodoo Points)

    Sea Eagle

    Sea Eagle.jpg

    The Sea Eagle is a mighty bird who will follow your ship to the world’s end. Dedicated to its captain and completely loyal it brings valuable benefits to any vessel.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Immaculate Rose Quartz (7.5% Hit Probability)
    2nd Gem: Shining Flurite (35,000 Hitpoints)

    Serpens Equinus

    Serpens Equinus.jpg

    Twice the heads mean twice the terrifying, lidless gazes from this distant relative of the basilisk. Tip the scales in your favor with Serpens Equinus!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Shining Sugilite (10.5% Damage Prevention)
    2nd Gem: -

    Silver dragon

    Silver dragon.jpg

    To celebrate Seafight's 5th birthday, this sleek silver dragon was gifted to pirates who registered between the 18th of March, 2007, and the 17th of March, 2008.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Cut Flurite (25,000 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: -

    Simian Seafarer

    Simian Seafarer.jpg

    Now he’s escaped from the secret facility, the Simian Seafarer is following your lead. Drifting high in the air on the balloon he bagged from a workshop and always your companion!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Sparkling Lepidolite (13.5% Hit probability)
    2nd Gem: Sparkling Sugilite (13.5% Damage prevention)

    Sir Isaac

    Sir Isaac.jpg

    Nimble Sir Isaac has been a clever member of many a crew since Seafight's 7th birthday celebration, looking fabulous all the while.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Immaculate Corundum (37,500Voodoo Points)
    2nd Gem: Scoured Kunzite (5.25% Dodge chance)



    A miniature abomination that spawned from the Abyss. He may not strike terror into the hearts of sailors, but he can still serve as a dedicated mascot.

    Special Gem: -
    1st Gem:
    Perfect Fluorite (67.500 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: Impeccable Iolite (14% Critical Damage)

    Snappy Snapper

    zwykly hyrabit.png

    Beware of the turtle! Sic this bitey little terrapin on your foes and guffaw while they sink to the ocean floor.

    Special Gem: -

    1st Gem: Enchanted Sugilite (22.5% Damage Prevention)

    Soul Catcher

    Soul Catcher.jpg

    When the Soul Catcher accompanies you into battle, everyone will be terrified. Bound by the iron cage that rests on its back, the cloaked figure seems to hark to a darker, more ancient time of power.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Smooth Ametrine (12% Harpoon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Smooth Chalcedony (3.75% Cannon Damage)

    Spirit of Fossegrim

    Spirit of Fossegrim.jpg

    It seems Fossegrim noticed your actions in the battles against the Viking Ancestors and decided to tag along. This fragment of his spirit will now accompany you in all your adventures. Only the bravest captain can be worthy of such honor!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Multifaceted Iolite (10% Critical Damage)
    2nd Gem: Multifaceted Kunzite (14.25% Dodge)

    Spectral Dragon


    A spectral beast who is loyal to her Captain! What better way to traven than with a dragon!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Heavenly Fluorite (80.000 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: Glorious Corundum (77.500 Voodoo Points)



    Brought to life by the powers of Skadi, the ice queen, this little icy fella will make a rare travel companion!

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Impeccable Fluorite (65.000 Hitpoints)
    2nd Gem: Impeccable Corundum (65.000 Voodoo points)



    Keepers of old, silent guardians of an age gone by, gargoyles remain a mystery to all. Famous figure amongst his peers, Stryga decided it was time to awake from his long slumber and discover the world.

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Multifaceted Chalcedony (5.5% Cannon Damage)
    2nd Gem: Multifaceted Kunzite (14.25% Dodge Chance)

    Stygian Extractor

    Stygian Extractor.jpg

    Many have tried to tame the Stygian Extractor, and many have failed, their ships disappearing without trace. Are you the captain to be its master?

    Special: -
    1st Gem: Refined Corundum (50,000 Voodoo Points)
    2nd Gem: Refined Chalcedony (5.75% Cannon Damage)