Reinforced Ribs

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Vladi*Bg, Dec 28, 2024.

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  1. Vladi*Bg

    Vladi*Bg Forum Greenhorn

    So as i already read, reinforced ribs are calculating as relative value. Then whats the point to have more than 10 ribs lvl 6 than 1 as the amount of damage prevention is the same 22%?
  2. Bawdyn

    Bawdyn Forum General

    Additional HP and VP, those are absolute, only the damage reduction is relative.
    Vladi*Bg and Rymar like this.
  3. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Vladi*Bg!

    Your fellow pirate Bawdyn is correct.

    While using 1 Rib on Level 6 your damage prevention will be the same if you were using 10 Ribs on the same level (if no other items are mixed in).

    The only values that increase are HP / VP.

    The entire list of ship extensions and their bonuses - explanation - can be found in our Ship Extensions FAQ ->

    Vladi*Bg likes this.
  4. Vladi*Bg

    Vladi*Bg Forum Greenhorn

    Okay thanks guys! So how then i can improve my damage prevention against NPC after that. I have Adamantine hull 10/10 in Castle and maxed Damage Prevention in Skill tree plus reinforced ribs, and still get good damage?
  5. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight

    Ahoy Vladi*Bg!

    Damage Prevention is mainly used against NPCs, however that's not always the rule.

    Each and every NPC within the game (during regular gameplay and events) have their own gems - which mean that your damage prevention itself may not be enough to fully decrease the incoming damage.

    You need to be aware that Dodge Chance also play a major role on some of the NPCs (please note that we do not have a specific list including which defence works better against which NPCs).

    In order to receive much less damage from NPCs found on the surface you should have:

    • Gems:
      • Ship:
        • Dodge Chance
        • Damage Prevention
        • Special Aventurine (5% Plate of Armor bonus)
      • Pet:
        • Dodge Chance
        • Damage Prevention
    • Action Items:
      • Agwe's Shield (always active)
      • Lion's Bulwark (recommended while fighting Admirals / Bosses)
    • Crew:
      • Agility Pet Trainer (the best one you can use)
      • Guardian (only for super hard tasks as Sellsword is much much better for the dmg. and weapon slots)
    • Castles:
      • Voodoo:
        • Voodoo Mirrage
      • Forecastle:
        • Adamantine Hull
    • Skills:
      • Reduce Harm
    Owning all of the above will cause some NPCs to lower their damage drastically, but there will be NPCs that are able to damage your vessel after all.

    Hint: It would be much cheaper to throw in Mojo into the Cauldron in order to obtain some Lion's Bulwark rather than purchasing them from the market as bonus maps obtained from Cauldron can be done by your captains returning some of the pearls spent for this process.

    Hope this helps.

    lCON and Vladi*Bg like this.
  6. Vladi*Bg

    Vladi*Bg Forum Greenhorn

    Thanks for the great answer!
    lCON likes this.
  7. Rymar

    Rymar Board Administrator Team Seafight


    Since OP is satisfied with the answer provided and there are no further questions I will close this thread.

    Happy Sailing!


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