Maximum Values

Discussion in 'General FAQ's' started by Seren, Feb 17, 2018.

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  1. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

  2. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

  3. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight


    Below you shall find the maximum amount of Speed for the three different states

    Normal State Speed:

    Elite Ship: 385

    Centerboard Castle Level 10: 120
    Sternpost Castle Level 10: 120
    Defense Skill: Voodoo Velocity: 100
    Economy Skill: Speed Freak: 74
    Ship's Pilot Level 2: 40
    Topaz Ship Special Gem: 49
    4x Bermuda Sails: 212
    Thetis Figurehead: 40
    Queen's Legacy (10%): 114
    Scorpio Buff (10%): 114
    Sands of Time (25%): 285
    Light of Tortuga (20%): 228

    Pumpkin Power (35%): 399
    Speed Fishing and Ethereal Scales Buffs (10%): 114
    Genie Alacrity Buff (15%): 171
    Imperial Fenghuand Junk (Trophy): 85.5

    Total: 2650.5

    Damaged State Speed:

    Elite Ship: 385

    Centerboard Castle Level 10: 120
    Sternpost Castle Level 10: 120
    Rowers Castle Level 10: 100
    Ship's Pilot Level 2: 40

    Citrine Ship Special Gem: 80
    Labradorite Pet Special Gem: 50
    Thetis Figurehead: 40
    Defense Skill: Voodoo Velocity: 100
    Economy Skill: Speed Freak: 74
    Queen's Legacy (10%): 110.9
    Scorpio Buff (10%): 110.9
    Sands of Time (25%): 277.25
    Light of Tortuga (20%): 221.8

    Pumpkin Power (35%): 388.15
    Speed Fishing and Ethereal Scales Buffs (10%): 110.9
    Genie Alacrity Buff (15%): 166.35
    Imperial Fenghuang Junk (Trophy): 85.5

    Total: 2580.75

    Burning State Speed:

    Elite Ship: 385

    Sternpost Castle Level 10: 120
    Rowers Castle Level 10: 100
    Citrine Ship Special Gem: 80

    Labradorite Pet Special Gem: 50
    Defense Skill: Voodoo Velocity: 100
    Economy Skill: Speed Freak: 74
    Queen's Legacy (10%): 90.9
    Scorpio Buff (10%): 90.9
    Sands of Time (25%): 227.25
    Light of Tortuga (20%): 181.8

    Pumpkin Power (35%): 318.15
    Speed Fishing and Ethereal Scales Buffs (10%): 90.9
    Genie Alacrity Buff (15%): 136.35
    Imperial Fenghuang Junk (Trophy): 85.5

    Total: 2130.85

    Note: The Normal State is 100-50%, Damaged State is 50-25% and the Burning State is 25-0%


    Imperial Fenghuang Junk Trophy works only on maps 31+
  4. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Voodoo Points

    Below you shall find the maximum amount of possible Voodoo Points you can have on your ship.

    Elite Ship: 150,000

    King's Legacy: 30,000
    Ivory Deck: 5,000
    Stamini Trainer Level 5: 10,000
    Voodoo Priest Level 4: 50,000

    Corundum Level 40 Gem: 100,000
    Sapphire Level 40 Gem: 200,000
    Voodoo Bundeling Castle Level 10: 50,000
    Manta League Bonus: 20,000

    Voodoo Booster: 35,000
    Legba's Patronage: 50,000
    670x Ensorcelled Stanchion Level 6: 1,340,000
    Ethereal Scales: 75,000

    Total: 2,115,000

    Ogun's Battle Blessing (33%): 697,950

    Total: 2,812,950

    Note: You will be unable to have both the Maximum HP and Maximum VP at the same time due to some items using the same slots.
  5. Seren

    Seren Team Leader Team Seafight

    Weapon Slots (Cannons)

    Below you shall find the maximum amount of possible Weapon Slots you can have on your ship.

    Elite Ship: 105

    Weapon Slots: 280
    King's Legacy: 10
    Queen's Legacy: 10
    Jolly Roger's Legacy: 10
    Herald's Legacy: 5
    Voodoo Deck: 10

    Ebony Deck: 10
    Ivory Deck: 10
    Cannon Storage Castle Level 10: 20
    Commonwealth Sellsword Level 5: 70
    Manta League Buff: 20

    Gemini Primus: 5
    Gemini Secundus: 5
    Gemini Primus and Secundus*: 10
    Medal of Valor Trophy Level 5: 10
    Damage Skill: Extra Arms: 20
    Cabin Boys: 25
    Rift Survivor: 20
    Test/Quest Rewards: 46 (all quests/tests completed)
    Scorpio Buff: 5 (if you have Speed Fishing Buff)
    Full Trophies (everything unlocked): 5
    Armed to the Teeth: 3

    Total: 714

    15% Genies Arsenal: maximum 107 extra cannon slots

    Total: 821

    20% Genies Armory: maximum 142 extra cannon slots

    Total: 857
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